Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
2-14 Shortlands
W6 8DJ
United Kingdom
General information: 

We build websites for small businesses 

Founded in 2014, UENI is a London-based limited company that leverages technology to provide an easy, low-cost solution for small businesses to get online and grow.

Though most consumers now consult search engines before patronising local businesses, most small businesses do not have a meaningful online presence. Though there are ample DIY solutions available to build your own website, most business owners still haven’t - either because it’s too complex or too costly.

To solve this challenge, and to democratise the high street, we build websites for businesses for an exceptionally price. 

UENI sends people all over Europe to collect data about storefronts on foot, and then upload this information through our in-house app. We then structure this data, and pre-build websites for each business we visit.

So far, UENI has digitised more than 480,000 small businesses all over Europe, across 16 cities and in 8 languages.

Find out more at: blog.ueni.com

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Service
Founded when: 
Wednesday, 3 December, 2014
Startup stage: 
Shipping stage (actively selling)
Funding needs: 
Series A funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Accounting, Business Development, Design / UX, Human Resources, IT - Data, IT - Frontend, Sales
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Web Development & Online Advertising
Product category: 
.net development services

We build and maintain dynamic online presences for small businesses all of Europe for just £1 a day. 

We create each of our clients a website and a Facebook Business page and verify them on Google Maps. 

See here for more details about the services we offer. 

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