
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Friedrichstraße 49, Limbach 66459 Kirkel, Saarland, Deutschland
66459 Kirkel
General information: 

anyhelpnow - Your platform for quick help of any kind. We support you in procuring services. Register as a customer to seek help or offer your service as a helper or professional.


Our goals


01 solve problems faster

We provide fast and competent help - online or on site.


02 Offer help when needed

Let's use the talent and expertise of our helpers to counteract the shortage of skilled workers.


03 Creating the digital working world of tomorrow

Our working world should be digital, friendly and reliable.


Our mission


We would like to offer a modern and user-friendly online platform where you can find help or offer services at any time. In this way we can ensure that everyone can find the help they need at any time.


Our future plans


We would like to continue to grow and develop further in the future. Therefore we plan:


Recruit new helpers

Turn people into helpers with a digitally applied for trade license.


Increase availabilities

Enable help outside of normal business hours - 24/7.


Setting new standards

We want to be pioneers in providing services.


Dissolve borders

We want to provide services not only on site but also digitally.


Company information: 
Company type: 
Startup Services
Founded when: 
Monday, 7 February, 2022
Types of jobs in the company: 
Accounting, Business Development, Design / UX, Editorial, Education / Training, IT - Software Dev, Legal
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Internet Service Marketplace
Product category: 

We would like to offer a modern and user-friendly online platform where you can find help or offer services at any time. In this way we can ensure that everyone can find the help they need at any time.


Login or register to see the contact information!

Address information

Friedrichstraße 49, Limbach 66459 Kirkel, Saarland, Deutschland
66459 Kirkel
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