Genesis Research Consultancy Limited

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Genesis Research Consultancy Limited
Navaran, Jadabpur, Jhikargachha, Jashore-7432, Bangladesh
Jashore 7432
General information: 

Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) is a distinguished leader in the academic and research support industry, offering a comprehensive suite of services to cater to the diverse needs of students, researchers, authors, and professionals across various fields. We pride ourselves on being the cornerstone of academic excellence and knowledge dissemination. Our dedicated team of experts, well-versed in a multitude of academic disciplines, is committed to assisting you in your educational and scholarly journey.

At GRCL, we understand the importance of well-crafted theses, dissertations, scientific papers, and articles, and we’re here to provide the necessary support. Whether you’re a student striving for that coveted degree, a researcher looking to publish groundbreaking findings, or an author seeking to refine your work, our services are designed to make your journey smoother.

We specialize in a wide range of services, from crafting compelling theses and dissertations to meticulous scientific paper writing and editing. Our expertise extends to manuscript preparation, journal services, research proposals, statistical analysis, presentation preparation, plagiarism checking, assignment writing, and more. With a strong commitment to quality, customization, confidentiality, and timely delivery, GRCL ensures that your work stands out in the competitive world of academia and research.

Our mission is to be your trusted partner, providing the expertise and guidance you need to excel in your academic and professional pursuits. Your success is not just a goal for us; it’s a shared journey. Join us at GRCL and experience the transformative power of our services as you reach new heights in your academic and research endeavors.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Education, Startup Services
Founded when: 
Sunday, 8 February, 2015
Startup stage: 
Development and Testing stage
Funding needs: 
currently no funding needs
Types of jobs in the company: 
Research & Development
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Thesis Proposal Writing
Product category: 
Research Paper Writing

Crafting a well-written thesis proposal is a crucial step in the research process, and we understand that every project is unique, requiring meticulous attention to detail. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we take pride in our team of experts who are dedicated to ensuring that your research proposal is tailored to meet your specific requirements.

In academic and research endeavors, proposals are a common requirement, whether you are pursuing an MScMPhil, or PhD. Your quest for the perfect proposal ends here at GRCL, where we offer you a blend of expertise and skill to address your proposal needs. You can trust our commitment to delivering high-quality content that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

If you are in need of a synopsis for your Bachelor’s (BSc) research, our GRCL experts are well-versed in the art of creating flawless, error-free synopses that are tailored to your academic requirements. Choosing GRCL means making a choice you’ll never regret, and we guarantee an efficient and dependable service.

Our team comprises the best-in-class, highly skilled writers who are dedicated to ensuring that your project receives their full attention. At GRCL, we believe in prioritizing quality over quantity. Our experts work on a single project at a time and do not commit to additional work until the current project has been delivered and reviewed to the customer’s satisfaction. We believe that your unique requirements deserve personalized attention and dedicated focus.

At GRCL, we value your feedback and aim for your complete satisfaction. If you encounter any roadblocks in the work provided or if you have specific preferences that need to be accommodated, we are always open to making improvements and adjustments in line with your requirements. Your success and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Once you have experienced our services, you’ll find it hard to look for alternative service providers, as our commitment to excellence and our understanding of your needs set us apart. We specialize in producing best-in-class content, whether it’s a research proposal, a synopsis, a work report, or any subject-based content. When you choose GRCL, you can sit back and have complete faith in our expertise. Reach out to us, share your requirements, and feel free to ask any questions you may have. Your queries help us understand you better and enable us to deliver the exceptional service you deserve.

Thesis proposal writing is a crucial step on the path to achieving your academic goals, whether you’re pursuing a Bachelor’s degree (BSc), a Master’s degree (MSc)Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), or even a Doctorate (Ph.D.). It’s the blueprint that outlines your research objectives, methodologies, and the significance of your study. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we understand the importance of crafting a strong thesis proposal that lays the foundation for a successful research journey. Our thesis proposal writing services are designed to assist students and researchers in creating comprehensive and compelling proposals that get the green light from academic committees.


Key Elements of Our Thesis Proposal Writing Services

Thorough Research

We delve deep into your chosen subject area to gather relevant literature and identify research gaps.

Clear Objectives

We help you define clear and achievable research objectives that align with your academic level.

Research Methodology

We outline the research methods and tools you’ll use, ensuring they are appropriate for your study.

Literature Review

We summarize existing literature in your field, demonstrating the context and significance of your research.

Hypotheses or Research Questions

We craft concise and well-defined hypotheses or research questions that guide your study.

Significance of Study

We emphasize the importance of your research within the broader academic and real-world context.


We provide a realistic timeline for your research, ensuring that you meet deadlines and milestones.


We compile a comprehensive list of references and sources to support your proposal.

Why Choose GRCL for Thesis Proposal Writing

Academic Expertise

Our team includes experienced professionals who understand the academic expectations and rigors of research proposal writing.

Research Depth

We ensure your proposal is rooted in a strong foundation of research, making your study more compelling.

Customized Approach

We tailor each proposal to your academic level and subject area, ensuring it meets your specific needs.

Clarity and Structure

We emphasize clear, logical, and well-structured proposals that impress academic evaluators.

Timely Delivery

We work diligently to ensure your proposal is completed within your specified timeframe.

Our thesis proposal writing services aim to help you kick-start your research journey with confidence. 

Contact GRCL today, and let’s collaborate on creating a thesis proposal that sets you on the path to academic excellence.

Thesis Writing Services
Product category: 
Thesis Writing Services

Embarking on the journey of thesis or dissertation writing is one of the most defining aspects of your academic career. However, a significant challenge faced by many thesis/dissertation writers in Bangladesh is the lack of proper guidance and assistance throughout this scholarly endeavor.

To support academicians facing this challenge, Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a comprehensive range of thesis/dissertation writing services both within Bangladesh and on a global scale. Our team comprises trained professionals who serve as online thesis/dissertation writers and editors, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to your academic pursuits.

We follow a systematic working methodology, ensuring your complete involvement throughout the thesis/dissertation development process. While our online thesis/dissertation writers and editors diligently work on your project, you have ample opportunities to prepare for your presentation and enhance your understanding of the subject matter.

Whether you are seeking thesis/dissertation writers globally, GRCL stands as your best option. Our dedicated team works on various steps and aspects of the thesis/dissertation, from topic selection to research methodology, editing and proofreading to final documentation. Our online thesis/dissertation editors and writers are committed to providing comprehensive support at every stage of your academic journey.

A professionally created thesis/dissertation not only enriches your knowledge but also serves as a significant achievement in your academic career. GRCL is your ideal partner for achieving this, as our team of online thesis/dissertation writers globally is both experienced and innovative. Our team members have diverse backgrounds, including teaching, research guidance, mentoring, and other educational roles, providing them with in-depth knowledge in various research domains and fields.

Whenever we take on a new project, we ensure that the team assigned to it possesses ample prior experience in the subject matter. This approach enables us to deliver the best theses/dissertations across a wide range of subjects, meeting the unique requirements and challenges of your academic pursuit. With GRCL, you can count on the support of seasoned professionals to guide you through the intricate process of thesis/dissertation writing, ultimately helping you achieve your academic goals.

A thesis is not just a document; it’s the culmination of years of research, learning, and dedication. For students pursuing advanced degrees like Master’s (MSc)Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), and Doctorate (Ph.D.), thesis writing is a pivotal stage in their academic journey. However, crafting a thesis that meets the highest academic standards is no small feat. This is where Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) steps in with its comprehensive thesis writing services. We offer a helping hand to guide you through the intricacies of this academic endeavor.


Our Thesis Writing Services in Detail

Comprehensive Research

At the heart of a successful thesis is thorough research. Our dedicated team conducts extensive research to gather relevant literature, data, and sources, ensuring your thesis is built on a strong foundation.

Clear and Concise Writing

Our expert writers possess the art of clear, concise, and well-structured writing. They transform your research findings into a coherent thesis that effectively communicates your ideas to the academic community.

Originality and Uniqueness

Originality is paramount in academic writing. We take pride in delivering theses that are completely free from plagiarism, ensuring that your work stands out as a unique contribution to your field.

Academic Standards

GRCL adheres to international academic standards and guidelines specific to your institution. This ensures that your thesis not only meets but exceeds the expected quality.

Timely Delivery

We understand the significance of meeting deadlines. Our team works diligently to ensure your thesis is delivered promptly, allowing you ample time for review and revisions.

Thesis Editing

Beyond writing, our services extend to expert thesis editingOur editors meticulously review and refine your work, making certain it meets the highest standards of quality.

Why Choose GRCL for Thesis Writing


Our team is composed of experienced writers with diverse knowledge across various academic fields and domains. They bring a wealth of expertise to your thesis.

Research Depth

We ensure your thesis is rooted in a strong research foundation, enhancing its academic credibility and contributing to the body of knowledge in your field.


Each thesis is crafted to your specific requirements, academic level, and subject area. We understand that your research is unique, and your thesis should reflect that.

Revision and Feedback

We believe in constant improvement. We are open to revising and enhancing your thesis based on your feedback or the comments of your supervisor.


Your work and personal information are treated with the utmost confidentiality. You can trust us to safeguard your data and research.

Quality Assurance

Excellence is the cornerstone of our thesis writing services. We are committed to delivering a thesis that not only meets your expectations but also exceeds them.

Your thesis represents a significant academic milestone, and we take that responsibility seriously. Let GRCL be your partner on this journey, guiding you towards academic excellence and a successful thesis.

Contact us today to explore how our thesis writing services can make a difference in your academic career.

Editing and Proofreading
Product category: 
Editing and Proofreading

When it comes to writing a thesis or dissertation, one crucial factor that can significantly elevate the quality of your work is the process of editing. As you prepare to submit your thesis or research papers, ensuring that your work is meticulously polished is of paramount importance. Impeccable and flawless work not only showcases your dedication but also instills confidence in the reader regarding the seriousness of your research. This level of refinement can only be achieved through professional editing services, such as those provided by Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL).

Our team of knowledgeable proofreaders offers invaluable feedback to thesis and dissertation writers globally. They play a pivotal role in helping you identify necessary corrections and the reasons behind them. Whether you are crafting research papersdissertationsPh.D. papers, or theses, having a seasoned proofreader review your work ensures a high-quality end result.

Online proofreaders from around the world provide expert assistance by thoroughly examining your research work. They ensure that it is not only easy to comprehend but also well-written, factually accurate, logically structured, and brimming with meaningful content. Additionally, our team of expert proofreaders meticulously checks for grammar and spelling mistakes, as well as adherence to formatting requirements.

It’s worth noting that some universities grant some extra facilities to individuals who demonstrate a strong command of the language in their research papers. If English is not your first language, you may encounter challenges in using the correct words or grammar. This is precisely when having a second set of experienced eyes review your research papers or thesis becomes invaluable.

Professional proofreaders diligently review your set of papers, eliminating errors while enhancing the academic tone and language used throughout the document. As a result, when you submit your work, you can do so with the confidence that your document reads with absolute clarity, and the need for further editing will be minimal.

Opting to enlist knowledgeable proofreaders to thoroughly review your thesis or dissertation is a strategic investment in your academic journey. Their expertise will not only refine your work but also assist you in achieving your doctorate degree with ease. So, reach out to our team of professionals today and elevate the quality of your academic research.

A thesis is the culmination of extensive research, academic rigor, and unwavering dedication. As a student pursuing a Master’s (MSc)Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), or Doctorate (Ph.D.), your thesis is the embodiment of your intellectual prowess and scholarly contributions to your field. To ensure that your thesis achieves its full potential, it’s crucial that the final document is a polished and flawless representation of your hard work. This is precisely where Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) steps in with its specialized Thesis Editing and proofreading Services.


Our Thesis Editing and proofreading Services in Detail

Grammar and Syntax Check

Our professional editors meticulously review your thesis, ensuring that it adheres to the highest standards of grammar, punctuation, and syntax. This step guarantees that your work maintains a clear and professional writing style.

Clarity and Cohesion

A well-structured thesis should flow seamlessly, guiding the reader from one point to the next. Our editors assess the overall clarity and cohesion of your thesis, making necessary revisions to enhance its logical progression.

Spelling and Vocabulary

Typos, spelling errors, and inappropriate word choices can detract from the quality of your thesisOur editors are adept at identifying and rectifying such linguistic issues, ensuring the final document is impeccable.


Maintaining consistency in formatting, referencing, and citation styles is paramount in academic writing. Our team ensures that your thesis adheres to the prescribed style guide, be it APAMLAChicago, or any other.

Content Enhancements

While maintaining the integrity of your research, our editors provide feedback and suggestions to improve the content, bolstering the overall quality and depth of your work.

Reference and Citation Review

Accurate referencing and citation are crucial. Our editors verify that all sources are properly cited and referenced, avoiding unintentional plagiarism and adhering to academic integrity.

Why Choose GRCL for Thesis Editing & Proofreading

Editorial Excellence

Our team comprises seasoned editors with a deep understanding of the intricacies of academic writing. They bring their expertise to elevate your thesis to the highest academic standards.

Subject Diversity

We cater to a broad spectrum of academic fields and domains. Regardless of your research areaour editors have the experience to address the unique requirements of your thesis.

Individualized Service

We recognize that every thesis is distinct. Our editing and proofreading services are customized to align with your academic level, subject matter, and specific needs.

Revision and Feedback

We value your input and feedback. Our commitment to revision and feedback ensures that you’re entirely satisfied with the polished version of your thesis.

Timely Delivery

We understand the significance of meeting deadlines. Your thesis will be edited and proofread promptly, allowing you sufficient time for final review and submission.


At GRCL, we prioritize the confidentiality of your research and personal information, ensuring it is safeguarded at all times.

A thesis is a testament to your academic journey, and it deserves to shine as a masterpiece of scholarship. With GRCL’s Thesis Editing and proofreading Services, you can rest assured that your work will be presented in its finest form.

Contact us today to explore how our services can help you attain academic excellence.







Bachelor Thesis
Product category: 
Bachelor Thesis

At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we understand that your Bachelor of Science (BSc) thesis is a pivotal aspect of your academic journey. However, many BSc thesis writers in Bangladesh often face the challenge of navigating the complex process without proper guidance and support. To bridge this gap, we offer a comprehensive range of BSc thesis services, catering to both local and global perspectives.

Our team comprises highly trained professionals who serve as online BSc thesis writers and editors, offering their expertise and guidance throughout your thesis writing journey. We follow a systematic working methodology that involves your active participation, ensuring that you have the opportunity to prepare for your presentation while our online BSc thesis writers and editors work on your project.

If you are seeking BSc thesis writers globally, GRCL is your ideal choice. We have a dedicated team that specializes in various stages and aspects of BSc thesis writingcovering everything from topic selection and research methodology to editingproofreading, and final documentation.

A professionally crafted BSc thesis not only enhances your academic knowledge but also stands as a significant achievement in your academic career. Our team of online BSc thesis writers globally is not only experienced but also innovative, with members who have served as teachers, research guides, mentors, and more. This diverse background has provided them with in-depth knowledge across various research domains and fields.

Whenever we take on a new BSc thesis project, we ensure that our team members have ample prior experience in the subject matter. This ensures that we can provide the best BSc theses across a wide range of subjects. Whether you already have a specific topic in mind or are starting with a blank slate, we offer BSc thesis writing services that include topic selection, allowing you to tailor your research to your domain, field of expertise, and future aspirations.

We cater to students from various backgrounds, ensuring that our services are accessible and beneficial to everyone. Regardless of your field of study, GRCL can suggest the best topics for your research and assist you in preparing your BSc thesis. To experience the full scope of our services, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you achieve your academic and research goals with excellence and confidence.

Your bachelor’s thesis marks a significant milestone in your academic journey. It’s the culmination of years of learning and an opportunity to delve into a specific subject that piques your interest. However, crafting a bachelor’s thesis can be a challenging endeavor, demanding time, dedication, and exceptional writing skills. This is where Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) steps in to provide comprehensive Bachelor Thesis Writing Services, tailored to elevate your academic achievement.


Our Bachelor Thesis Writing Services in Detail

Topic Selection

The first crucial step in thesis writing is selecting a relevant and captivating topicOur experts assist you in choosing a topic aligned with your field of study and your interests.

Proposal Development

Crafting a compelling thesis proposal is fundamental to your research journey. We aid you in structuring a persuasive proposal that outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Research Assistance

Conducting research is at the heart of your thesis. We guide you in finding credible sources, collecting data, and applying suitable research methodologies.

Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review is essential to establish the context of your research. Our experts help you synthesize and analyze existing literature to support your thesis.

Thesis Writing

Our skilled writers construct the entire thesis, organizing your research findings, arguments, and insights in a coherent and structured manner. They ensure that your thesis adheres to academic standards and formatting requirements.

Editing and Proofreading

We meticulously review your thesis for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errorsOur team also enhances clarity, coherence, and readability while maintaining your unique voice.

Citation and Referencing

Proper citation and referencing are essential to avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity. We ensure your thesis conforms to the specified citation style, whether APAMLAChicago, or any other.

Feedback and Revision

We value your input and offer the opportunity for revisions based on your feedback. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Why Choose GRCL for Bachelor Thesis Writing

Academic Expertise

Our team of writers and researchers includes individuals with profound knowledge in diverse academic fields, ensuring your thesis aligns with the highest academic standards.

Customized Solutions

We acknowledge the individuality of each thesis and tailor our services to your specific subject, academic level, and requirements.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. Your bachelor’s thesis will be delivered on schedule, allowing time for your review and submission.


GRCL prioritizes the confidentiality of your research and personal information, ensuring it remains secure at all times.

Academic Excellence

Our goal is to help you excel in your academic pursuits. We strive to nurture your academic foundation and provide the support you need to succeed.

With GRCL’s Bachelor Thesis Writing Services, you can embark on your academic journey with confidence, knowing that your thesis will be a testament to your dedication and scholarly growth.

Contact us today to discuss how our services can enhance your academic experience.

Master (MSc) Thesis
Product category: 
Master (MSc) Thesis

Embarking on the journey of crafting a Master of Science (MSc) thesis is a crucial milestone in your academic career. However, many MSc thesis writers, whether in Bangladesh or globally, often encounter challenges due to a lack of proper guidance and assistance. To address this need, Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a comprehensive suite of MSc thesis services, catering to students from various parts of the world.

Our team consists of highly trained professionals who serve as online MSc thesis writers and editors. We understand the significance of your MSc thesis and follow a systematic working methodology, ensuring your active involvement throughout the process. While our online MSc thesis writers and editors diligently work on your project, you have the opportunity to prepare for your presentation.

Choosing GRCL for MSc thesis writing services provides you access to a dedicated team that handles various stages and aspects of thesis writing. From initial topic selection to defining the research methodology, conducting thorough research, editingproofreading, and final documentation, our online MSc thesis editors and writers are here to assist you at every step.

Whether you are searching for MSc thesis writers globally or locally, GRCL stands out as a reliable option. Our experienced team, including writers with diverse backgrounds as teachers, research guides, mentors, and more, ensures that your MSc thesis is crafted with both expertise and innovation. This collective experience has equipped our team with in-depth knowledge across various research domains and fields.

When undertaking a new MSc thesis project, we ensure that our team members possess substantial prior experience in the subject matter. This commitment ensures that we can deliver the best MSc theses across a wide range of subjects. Whether you already have a specific topic in mind or are starting from scratch, our MSc thesis writing services include topic selection, tailored to your domain, field of expertise, and future aspirations.

Our services are designed to be accessible and beneficial to students from diverse backgrounds. Regardless of your field of studyGRCL can suggest the best topics for your research and assist you in preparing your MSc thesis. To experience the full range of our services and receive guidance tailored to your academic and research goals, feel free to contact us. At GRCL, we are committed to helping you achieve excellence and confidence in your MSc thesis journey.

A Master’s thesis is a pivotal academic project that showcases your expertise, research acumen, and in-depth knowledge within your chosen field of study. Crafting a Master’s thesis is no small feat; it requires meticulous planning, extensive research, and exceptional writing skillsGenesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) understands the challenges you face and is here to provide comprehensive Master’s Thesis Writing Services tailored to your academic aspirations.


Our Master’s Thesis Writing Services in Details

Topic Selection

The foundation of a remarkable thesis lies in selecting a relevant and captivating topicOur experts guide you in choosing a topic that aligns with your academic discipline and personal interests.

Proposal Development

Crafting a persuasive thesis proposal is a critical first step. We help you structure a compelling proposal that outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Research Guidance

Conducting robust research is at the core of your thesis. Our experienced team assists you in finding credible sources, collecting data, and applying suitable research methodologies.

Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review establishes the context of your research. We assist you in synthesizing and analyzing existing literature to support the arguments presented in your thesis.

Thesis Writing

Our skilled writers construct the entire thesis, organizing your research findings, arguments, and insights in a structured and coherent manner. They ensure that your thesis adheres to rigorous academic standards and formatting requirements.

Editing and Proofreading

We meticulously review your thesis for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errorsOur team enhances clarity, coherence, and readability while preserving your unique voice.

Citation and Referencing

Proper citation and referencing are essential to uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism. We ensure your thesis conforms to the specified citation style, be it APAMLAChicago, or any other.

Feedback and Revision

We value your feedback and offer the opportunity for revisions. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we aim to deliver a thesis that aligns with your vision.

Why Choose GRCL for Master’s Thesis Writing  

Academic Expertise

Our team comprises individuals with profound knowledge in various academic fields, ensuring your thesis meets the highest academic standards.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that each thesis is unique, and we customize our services to your specific subject, academic level, and requirements.

Timely Delivery

Meeting deadlines is essential, and we are committed to delivering your Master’s thesis punctually, allowing you time for review and submission.


Your research and personal information are handled with the utmost confidentiality, ensuring your data remains secure.

Academic Excellence

Our mission is to empower you to excel in your academic endeavors. We aim to nurture your scholarly growth and provide the support you need to succeed.

With GRCL’s Master’s Thesis Writing Services, you can embark on your academic journey with confidence, knowing that your thesis will reflect your dedication and scholarly accomplishments.

Contact us today to discuss how our services can enhance your academic experience and contribute to your academic excellence.​​​​​​

MPhil Thesis
Product category: 
MPhil Thesis

Undertaking an MPhil program is a significant step in your academic and research journey. Completing an MPhil thesis is a vital component of this educational pursuit, demonstrating your expertise and contribution to your chosen field of study. However, the process of crafting an MPhil thesis can be demanding, often requiring guidance and support. To aid MPhil students in Bangladesh and around the world, Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a comprehensive range of MPhil thesis services.

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who serve as online MPhil thesis writers and editors, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience in various research domains. We understand the significance of your MPhil thesis and follow a systematic working methodology that ensures your active involvement throughout the process. While our online MPhil thesis writers and editors work diligently on your project, you have the opportunity to prepare for your research defense and further contributions to your field.

GRCL is a reliable choice for students seeking MPhil thesis writers globally. We provide dedicated support across various stages and aspects of the MPhil thesis journey. From initial topic selection and research methodology development to literature reviewdata collection and analysisresult interpretationwritingeditingproofreading, and final documentation, our online MPhil thesis editors and writers are here to assist you at every stage.

Our online MPhil thesis editors and writers form a team of experienced professionals, each with unique backgrounds as educators, research guides, mentors, and more. This collective experience empowers us with in-depth knowledge in various research domains and fields, ensuring that your MPhil thesis is well-researched and comprehensive.

When taking on a new MPhil thesis project, we carefully select team members who possess substantial prior experience in the subject matter. This ensures that we can deliver the best MPhil theses across a wide range of subjects and specializations.

Whether you are in the early stages of your MPhil research or progressing with your writing, GRCL’s MPhil thesis writing services encompass a wide array of offerings, including topic selection and development, proposal preparationresearch designliterature reviewdata analysis, and results presentation. Our services are tailored to your unique research goals, academic standards, and career aspirations.

At GRCL, we are committed to supporting and guiding you through the process of crafting an MPhil thesis that not only contributes to your academic growth but also leaves a lasting impact in your research field. To experience the full range of our MPhil thesis services and embark on a journey of academic excellence and research success, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your MPhil thesis reflects your expertise, and we are here to help you make it exceptional.

An MPhil thesis serves as an integral milestone in your academic journey, allowing you to delve deeper into your chosen field of study and exhibit your research capabilities. Crafting an MPhil thesis demands time, commitment, and a meticulous approach to research and writing. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) is dedicated to supporting your academic ambitions with comprehensive MPhil Thesis Writing Services tailored to your research objectives.


Our MPhil Thesis Writing Services in Detail 

Topic Selection

The foundation of a remarkable MPhil thesis lies in selecting a relevant and intriguing topicOur expert team assists you in choosing a subject that aligns with your academic discipline and research interests.

Proposal Development

A well-structured thesis proposal is your first step towards MPhil success. We help you outline a compelling proposal that clearly defines your research goals, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Research Guidance

Our experienced researchers guide you in conducting thorough and effective research. They help you identify credible sources, collect data, and select the appropriate research methodologies.

Literature Review

A robust literature review is pivotal to establishing the context of your research. We assist you in analyzing and synthesizing existing literature to support your thesis’s arguments and insights.

Thesis Writing

Our skilled writers construct your entire thesis, organizing your research findings, arguments, and insights in a structured and coherent manner. They ensure that your MPhil thesis adheres to rigorous academic standards and formatting requirements.

Editing and Proofreading

We conduct a thorough review of your thesis, addressing grammarspelling, and punctuation errorsOur team enhances claritycoherence, and readability while preserving your unique voice.

Citation and Referencing

Proper citation and referencing are essential to maintain academic integrity and prevent plagiarism. We ensure your thesis adheres to the specified citation style, whether it’s APAMLAChicago, or any other.

Feedback and Revision

We value your feedback and offer the opportunity for revisions. Our goal is to deliver a thesis that aligns with your academic vision and expectations.

Why Choose GRCL for MPhil Thesis Writing 

Academic Expertise

Our team consists of individuals with profound knowledge in various academic fields, ensuring your thesis meets the highest academic standards.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every thesis is unique, and we customize our services to your specific subject, academic level, and requirements.

Timely Delivery

Meeting deadlines is essential, and we are committed to delivering your MPhil thesis punctually, allowing you time for review and submission.


Your research and personal information are treated with the utmost confidentiality, ensuring your data remains secure.

Academic Excellence

Our mission is to empower you to excel in your academic pursuits. We aim to nurture your scholarly growth and provide the support you need to succeed.

With GRCL’s MPhil Thesis Writing Services, you can embark on your academic journey with confidence, knowing that your thesis will reflect your dedication and research accomplishments.

Contact us today to discuss how our services can elevate your academic experience and contribute to your research success.​​​​​​

PhD Thesis
Product category: 
PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis or crafting a doctoral thesis is a pinnacle achievement in one’s academic and research career. However, the path to a successful PhD thesis can be challenging and complex. Many Ph.D. students, whether in Bangladesh or from around the world, seek guidance and assistance throughout their research and writing process. To support and empower doctoral candidatesGenesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a comprehensive suite of PhD thesis services.

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who serve as online Ph.D. thesis writers and editors, possessing a wealth of knowledge and experience in various research domains. We understand the significance of your Ph.D. thesis and follow a systematic working methodology that ensures your active involvement at every step. While our online Ph.D. thesis writers and editors work diligently on your project, you have the opportunity to prepare for your research defense and future contributions to your field.

GRCL stands as a reliable choice for students seeking Ph.D. thesis writers globally. We offer dedicated support across various stages and aspects of the Ph.D. thesis journey. From initial topic selection and research methodology development to in-depth literature reviewdata collection and analysisresult interpretationwritingeditingproofreading, and final documentation, our online Ph.D. thesis editors and writers are here to assist you at every juncture.

Our online Ph.D. thesis editors and writers form a team of experienced professionals, each with unique backgrounds as educators, research guides, mentors, and more. This collective experience empowers us with in-depth knowledge in various research domains and fields, ensuring that your Ph.D. thesis is not only well-researched and comprehensive but also aligns with academic and industry standards.

When embarking on a new Ph.D. thesis project, we take utmost care to ensure that our team members possess substantial prior experience in the subject matter. This commitment ensures that we can deliver the best Ph.D. theses across a wide range of subjects and specializations.

Whether you are at the beginning stages of your Ph.D. research or well into the writing process, GRCL’s Ph.D. thesis writing services encompass a wide array of offerings, including topic selection and developmentproposal preparationresearch designcomprehensive literature reviewdata analysis, and results presentation. Our services are tailored to your unique research goals, academic standards, and career aspirations.

At GRCL, we are committed to supporting and guiding you through the intricate journey of crafting a Ph.D. thesis that not only contributes to your academic growth but also makes a significant impact in your research field. To experience the full range of our Ph.D. thesis services and embark on a journey of academic excellence and research success, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your Ph.D. thesis is a reflection of your expertise and commitment, and we are here to help you shine.

Undertaking a PhD journey is an awe-inspiring endeavor, often culminating in the creation of a doctoral thesis that represents the pinnacle of your academic achievements. A PhD thesis is more than just a comprehensive research paper; it’s a testament to your expertise, original contributions, and commitment to a particular field of knowledge. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we understand the significance of this milestone, and our PhD Thesis Writing Services are designed to help you navigate this challenging but rewarding academic expedition.


Our Comprehensive PhD Thesis Writing Services at a Glance

Topic Selection

The foundation of a successful PhD thesis is a compelling and relevant research topic. Our expert team assists you in identifying a subject that aligns with your academic discipline, research interests, and future aspirations.

Proposal Development

Crafting a well-structured thesis proposal is a crucial initial step. We help you outline a comprehensive proposal that defines your research objectives, methodology, and anticipated outcomes.

Research Guidance

Our seasoned researchers provide invaluable guidance throughout your research journey. They aid in sourcing credible literature, data collection, and selecting the most suitable research methodologies.

Literature Review

An exhaustive literature review establishes the context of your research. We assist you in thoroughly analyzing and synthesizing existing literature to underpin your thesis’s arguments and insights.

Thesis Writing

Our proficient writers construct your entire PhD thesis, meticulously organizing your research findings, arguments, and insights. Your thesis is developed in a structured and coherent manner, adhering to rigorous academic standards and prescribed formatting guidelines.

Editing and Proofreading

Our comprehensive editing process encompasses grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks. We enhance clarity, coherence, and readability while preserving your unique scholarly voice.

Citation and Referencing

Proper citation and referencing are paramount to upholding academic integrity and preventing plagiarism. We ensure that your thesis adheres to the specified citation style, whether it’s APAMLAChicago, or any other.

Feedback and Revision

Your feedback is invaluable, and we offer opportunities for revisions. Our aim is to deliver a PhD thesis that reflects your academic vision and expectations.

Why Choose GRCL for PhD Thesis Writing 

Academic Proficiency

Our team comprises experts in various academic fields, assuring you that your thesis adheres to the highest academic standards.

Customized Solutions

We understand the uniqueness of each PhD thesis, and we tailor our services to match your specific subject, academic level, and requirements.

Punctual Delivery

Meeting deadlines is imperative, and we are committed to delivering your PhD thesis on time, allowing you ample time for review and submission.


Your research and personal information are treated with the utmost confidentiality to safeguard your data.

Scholarly Excellence

Our mission is to foster your academic growth and empower you to excel in your doctoral pursuits. We provide the support you need to succeed.

With GRCL’s PhD Thesis Writing Services, you can embark on your doctoral journey with confidence, knowing that your thesis will be a testament to your dedication and academic accomplishments.

Contact us today to explore how our services can elevate your academic experience and contribute to your research success.

*To receive a quotation for writing your Ph.D. thesis with us, please provide us with additional details about your research project.

Statistical Analysis Service
Product category: 
Statistical Analysis Service

Statistical analysis plays a pivotal role in research, providing valuable insights and conclusions drawn from data. Whether you’re a studentresearcherauthor, or part of an organization, accurate statistical analysis is essential for making informed decisions and drawing meaningful conclusions from your research. To support your statistical analysis needs, Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a comprehensive Statistical Analysis Service.

Our team of experts specializes in statistical analysis for various research domains, including but not limited to the fields of sciencesocial scienceseconomicshealth sciences, and more. We understand the importance of robust statistical analysis in academic research, and we are committed to helping you extract meaningful insights from your data.

Every academic journey, especially at the postgraduate and doctoral levels, demands rigorous research and analysis. At the core of many research projects lies the intricate world of data, and ensuring its accurate interpretation and analysis is paramount. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) is dedicated to supporting students and researchers in this endeavor through our Statistical Analysis for Thesis Service.


A Comprehensive Look at Our Statistical Analysis for Thesis Service

Data Collection Guidance

The foundation of any successful data analysis is high-quality data. We guide you on effective data collection methods, ensuring that the information you gather is reliable and relevant to your research objectives.

Data Cleaning and Preparation

Raw data often requires cleaning, transformation, and organization to make it suitable for analysis. We assist you in refining your dataset, eliminating errors, and preparing it for robust statistical analysis.

Statistical Software Expertise

Our team is well-versed in popular statistical analysis software, including RSASSPSS, and others. We perform the data analysis using the software that best suits your research needs.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are essential for summarizing and presenting your data effectively. We provide detailed tablesgraphs, and charts to make complex data more comprehensible.

Hypothesis Testing

If your research includes hypothesis testing, we conduct an array of tests, such as t-testsANOVAchi-square tests, and regression analysis. These tests help validate your research hypotheses.

Advanced Data Analysis

For more complex research, we offer advanced statistical methods, including multivariate analysisfactor analysisstructural equation modeling, and more, to unearth deeper insights from your data.

Interpretation and Reporting

Understanding the results of statistical analysis is crucial. We provide you with clear and concise interpretations of your findings, contributing to the effectiveness of your research.

Data Visualization

Visual representations of data, such as graphs and charts, are a vital component of data analysis. We create visually appealing and informative data visualizations to enhance your research reports.

Consultation and Collaboration

Our team collaborates with you throughout the statistical analysis process. We consult with you to ensure that the analysis aligns with your research objectives and goals.

Detailed Documentation

Thorough documentation of the statistical analysis process is provided to support the credibility and transparency of your research.

Please contact us for more details.

Graph & Map Preparation
Product category: 
Graph & Map Preparation

Our Graph and Map Preparation Service is designed to help you create high-quality visual representations of your data and research findings. Whether you need graphscharts, or maps for your research projectthesisdissertationmanuscript, or any other academic or scientific work, we have the expertise to assist you. Our team of experts uses the latest and most sophisticated software, including OriginProQGIS, and ArcGIS, to ensure that your visual materials are not only visually appealing but also accurately convey your data and insights.

In the realm of research and academia, effective communication of findings is as important as the research itself. Graphs and maps are powerful tools for conveying complex information, patterns, and trends in a visually engaging and comprehensible manner. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers a dedicated Graph and Map Preparation Service to assist researchers and students in transforming their data into compelling visuals.


A Closer Look at Our Graph and Map Preparation Service 

Data Visualization Expertise

Our team of experts specializes in data visualization, ensuring that the information you want to convey is presented in the most effective and visually appealing way. Whether you’re dealing with numerical datageographic data, or any other type, we have the skills to bring it to life.

Graphs for Various Data Types

We create a wide range of graphs to suit different types of data, including bar graphsline graphsscatter plotshistogramspie charts, and more. These visuals help you showcase trends, comparisons, and distributions with clarity.


Your research is unique, and our Graph and Map Preparation Service ensures that your visuals are tailored to your specific research needs. We customize colors, labels, scales, and other design elements to match your project’s requirements.

Map Creation

If your research involves geographical data, our service includes the creation of maps. We work with Geographic Information System (GIS) software and tools like QGISArcGIS, and others to produce detailed, accurate maps for your research.

Interpretation Assistance

Graphs and maps need to be accompanied by clear and concise interpretations. We provide explanations for each visual, highlighting key points and insights to help your audience understand the significance of the data presented.

Visual Consistency

Consistency in your visuals is crucial for professionalism. We ensure that your graphs and maps adhere to the same style and formatting standards, enhancing the overall coherence of your research.

Publication-Ready Quality

Our goal is to provide you with visuals that are publication-ready. We ensure that your graphs and maps meet the requirements of academic journals, conference presentations, and research reports.

Revision and Feedback

Your input and feedback are invaluable. We collaborate closely with you, making revisions as necessary to ensure that the final visuals align perfectly with your research objectives.

Why Choose GRCL for Graph and Map Preparation 

Specialized Expertise

Our team consists of data visualization and GIS experts who are proficient in a wide range of software and techniques.


We understand that each research project is unique, and we tailor our service to your specific requirements.

Timely Delivery

We prioritize meeting project deadlines, ensuring that you receive your visuals when you need them.

Support and Collaboration

We believe in working closely with our clients, fostering collaboration and ensuring that your vision is brought to life.

With GRCL’s Graph and Map Preparation Service, you can enhance the impact and clarity of your research findings, making them more accessible and engaging to your audience. Contact us today to discover how our services can elevate your research and help you effectively convey your discoveries.

To receive a quotation for our Graph and Map Preparation Service, please provide us with additional details about your project, including the type of graphs or maps you need, the data you want to visualize, and any specific formatting requirements. We are committed to delivering top-notch visual materials that enhance the impact of your research.

Please contact us for more details.

*To receive a quotation for our Graph and Map preparation services, we kindly request that you provide us with additional details about your research project.

Plagiarism Checking Service
Product category: 
Plagiarism Checking Service

Plagiarism is a serious concern in the academic and research community. Ensuring the integrity and originality of your work is not only a matter of ethics but also crucial for maintaining your credibility and reputation. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we offer a comprehensive Plagiarism Checking Service designed to help researchersstudents, and authors ensure their work is free from any unintentional or deliberate instances of plagiarism.

Our Plagiarism Checking Service is a valuable resource to ensure the originality and integrity of your academic and research documents. Plagiarism can have serious consequences, including damaging your academic or professional reputation. To help you avoid these pitfalls, we offer a thorough and reliable plagiarism checker service that identifies and addresses any potential issues.


A Detailed Overview of Our Plagiarism Checking Service

State-of-the-Art Plagiarism Detection Tools

GRCL employs the latest and most advanced plagiarism detection software and tools to thoroughly scan your research papersthesesarticlesreports, and other documents. We utilize industry-standard software like TurnitinGrammarlyCopyscapeiThenticate, and more, which are known for their high accuracy in detecting plagiarized content.

Originality Assurance

Our primary objective is to confirm that your work is entirely original. Plagiarism checking helps identify any sections of your document that may inadvertently resemble existing published materials, thus allowing you to rectify any unintentional similarities.

Customized Analysis

We tailor the plagiarism check to the specific requirements of your project. This includes the flexibility to decide the depth of the plagiarism scan, ensuring that the service aligns perfectly with your needs.

Thorough Document Evaluation

Our plagiarism checks encompass a comprehensive assessment of the entire document, covering the text, references, citations, and bibliography to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Detailed Reports

Upon conducting the plagiarism check, we provide you with a detailed report highlighting any instances of detected similarities. This report includes links to the original sources and a breakdown of the problematic areas.

Plagiarism Interpretation

Understanding the results of a plagiarism check can be challenging. Our service includes interpretation, with our experts providing insights into the identified issues and guidance on how to resolve them.

Originality Enhancement

If instances of plagiarism are discovered in your document, we guide you on how to improve your work by revising and properly citing the content in question.

Document Confidentiality

We prioritize your data privacy and document confidentiality. Rest assured that your research remains secure throughout the plagiarism-checking process.

Multiple Language Support

Our plagiarism detection tools are proficient in analyzing content in various languages, ensuring that we can assist researchers globally.

Why Choose GRCL’s Plagiarism Checking Service

Comprehensive and Accurate

Our plagiarism checks are highly precise, offering a meticulous examination of your document.

Tailored to Your Needs

We understand that every project is unique, and our service can be customized to meet your specific requirements.


Your document’s security is our top priority. You can trust us to maintain the privacy of your research.

With GRCL’s Plagiarism Checking Service, you can be confident that your work maintains the highest levels of originality and research integrity.

Contact us today to ensure that your research is free from any unintentional instances of plagiarism, safeguarding your academic and professional reputation.

**To receive a quotation for our plagiarism checker services, we kindly request that you provide us with additional details about your research project. Please note that our plagiarism checker services do not have a waiver policy. We generally provide free plagiarism checker services for clients who have taken services from us before. We also offer this service for free with thesis writing and editing.

Presentation Preparation
Product category: 
Presentation Preparation

Effective presentation is a critical component of sharing your research findings and insights with a broader audience, whether it’s in an academic setting, at a conference, or within your organization. The way you communicate your work can significantly impact how it’s perceived and understood. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we offer a comprehensive Presentation Preparation Service that aims to enhance your research’s impact and ensure you convey your message with clarity and professionalism.

Our Presentation Preparation Service is designed to help you create and deliver compelling and impactful presentations that effectively communicate your researchideas, and findings. A well-prepared presentation can make a significant difference in the way your message is received by your audience, whether it’s for academic, professional, or research purposes. We offer a range of services to enhance your presentation, making it engaging, informative, and memorable.


A Comprehensive Overview of Our Presentation Preparation Services

Content Refinement 

Our service begins with a thorough analysis of your research content. We work with you to refine your message, ensuring it is coherent, well-structured, and tailored to your audience.

Visual Enhancement

Presentations are not just about words; visuals play a vital role. Our experts help you design engaging slides that incorporate appropriate visuals, graphics, and charts to complement your message effectively.

Storyboard Development

We assist in creating a clear and compelling storyboard, outlining the flow of your presentation. This ensures that your narrative is logical and easy for your audience to follow.

Customized Slide Design

Each slide is crafted with precision, considering the information it needs to convey. Our team uses professional design principles to make your slides visually appealing and informative.

Speaker Notes

We provide detailed speaker notes to accompany your presentation. This helps you deliver your talk confidently and knowledgeably.

Practice Sessions

Our service can include practice sessions where you rehearse your presentation with our experts, receiving valuable feedback to improve your delivery.

Audience Engagement

We guide you on various techniques to engage your audience effectively, such as creating opportunities for questions, polls, and interactive elements.

Visual Consistency

Maintaining a consistent and professional visual style throughout your presentation is crucial. We ensure that fonts, colors, and formatting are cohesive.

Time Management

Keeping your presentation within the allotted time frame is essential. We assist you in refining your content to fit the timeframe without compromising the message.

Why Choose GRCL’s Presentation Preparation Service 

Professional Expertise

Our team includes experts with experience in crafting impactful presentations across various fields.

Customized Approach

We understand that every presentation is unique. Our service is tailored to your specific project, objectives, and audience.

Boosted Confidence

With our assistance, you can present your research confidently, knowing that your message is well-structured and visually appealing.

Impactful Delivery

We help you deliver presentations that leave a lasting impression on your audience, whether it’s at a conference, in an academic setting, or in the corporate world.

Our Presentation Preparation Service aims to enhance your communication skills and ensure that your message is effectively conveyed to your target audience. Whether you’re a studentresearcherprofessional, or academic, we are here to assist you in creating presentations that leave a lasting impact. For a quotation and to discuss your specific presentation needs, please contact us with the details of your project.

Effective presentation is a powerful tool for conveying the significance and implications of your research.

Contact GRCL to explore how our Presentation Preparation Service can help you communicate your work with clarity and impact, reaching a wider audience and making a meaningful difference.

*To receive a quotation for our presentation preparation services, we kindly request that you provide us with additional details about your research project. Please note that we do not have a waiver policy for our Presentation preparation services.

New Journal Launch Services
Product category: 
New Journal Launch Services

Launching a new academic journal is a significant undertaking, and it requires meticulous planning and execution to ensure its success. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers comprehensive “New Journal Launch Services” to support and guide you through the entire process of introducing your new academic journal to the scholarly community.


Our Services Includes

Market Research

We conduct thorough market research to identify the demand and niche for your journal within the academic community. This step is crucial for understanding the target audience and shaping your journal’s focus.

Journal Conceptualization

Our team assists in conceptualizing your journal’s mission, scope, and objectives. We help you define your journal’s unique selling points and establish its identity in the market.

ISSN Number Registration

We help the publisher or journal entrepreneur to get a valid ISSN and e-ISSN number from the ISSN portal. 

Editorial Board Selection

We aid in selecting an expert editorial board, which is instrumental in maintaining the quality and reputation of your journal. Our experts guide you in assembling a panel of renowned scholars in your field.

Peer Review System Setup

We help you establish a robust and efficient peer review system, ensuring high-quality, unbiased evaluations of submitted articles.

Manuscript Management System

We recommend and assist in setting up a user-friendly manuscript management system to streamline the submission, review, and publication processes.

Journal Website Development

Our team can create an attractive and functional website for your journal, providing a professional online presence for authors and readers.

Indexing and Abstracting Services

We guide you through the process of getting your journal indexed in prestigious databases, including Google ScholarChemical Abstracts Service (CAS),  DOAJScopusWeb of Science and more enhancing its visibility.

Journal Promotion Strategies

We develop marketing and promotion strategies to attract submissions, readers, and subscribers to your journal.

Quality Control

Our experts ensure that the published content adheres to high editorial and ethical standards, maintaining the integrity and credibility of your journal.

Timely Launch

We work diligently to ensure that your journal is launched on schedule, allowing you to start building your readership and reputation promptly.

Why Choose Our New Journal Launch Services

Experience and Expertise

With years of experience in the academic publishing industry, we possess the knowledge and expertise to guide you effectively.

Customized Approach

We tailor our services to meet your journal’s unique goals, ensuring a successful launch.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Our services save you time and effort by providing a structured and efficient approach to journal creation.

Credibility and Trust

Partnering with GRCL adds credibility to your new journal, reassuring authors and readers of its quality.

Comprehensive Support

From initial planning to ongoing management, we provide comprehensive support throughout your journal’s lifecycle.

Global Reach

We have a global network, allowing your journal to reach scholars and researchers worldwide.

If you’re embarking on the exciting journey of launching a new academic journal, GRCL‘s “New Journal Launch Services” will guide you through every step of the process. Start your journal’s journey with confidence, and ensure its successful establishment in the academic world.

Contact us to discuss your journal launch requirements and objectives.

Policy Formation Services for Journals
Product category: 
Policy Formation Services for Journals

Creating and implementing sound policies is essential for the credibility and integrity of academic journals. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we offer comprehensive “Policy Formation Services for Journals” to ensure your publication aligns with leading organizations and databases, including COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), ScopusWeb of Science, and other esteemed databases. Our services encompass various areas to help you establish and adhere to policies that meet international publishing standards.


Our Policy Formation Services Includes

Ethical Guidelines

We assist in drafting ethical guidelines that align with COPE and ICMJE standards, ensuring the highest ethical standards are maintained throughout the publication process.

Author Guidelines

We help create author guidelines that specify submission requirements, plagiarism checks, authorship criteria, and conflict of interest declarations in line with industry best practices.

Peer Review Policies

We provide guidance in creating comprehensive peer review policies that emphasize transparency, impartiality, and reviewer responsibilities.

Editorial Policies

We help develop editorial policies covering decision-making processes, addressing ethical issues, handling corrections and retractions, and ensuring data and copyright compliance.

Publication Ethics

Our experts assist in establishing publication ethics guidelines for instance, COPEICJME, etc . guidelines, including the proper handling of authorship disputes, conflicts of interest, research misconduct, and data sharing policies.

Open Access Policies

For open-access journals, we ensure compliance with DOAJ standards, covering aspects such as licensing, content preservation, and accessibility.

Data Sharing Policies

We help craft policies related to data sharing and availability, aligning with emerging industry requirements.

Accessibility and Inclusivity Policies

Our services include policies to ensure your journal is accessible to a diverse readership, addressing issues like language, formatting, and accommodations.

Archiving and Indexing

We guide you on archiving content to comply with archiving databases and ensure proper indexing.

Quality Assurance

We ensure that your policies maintain the highest quality and align with industry standards.

Submission Guidelines

We help develop clear and concise submission guidelines for authors, covering manuscript preparation, formatting, and submission procedures.

Editorial Workflow

Our experts assist in establishing a structured editorial workflow that facilitates the efficient handling of submissions from receipt to publication.

Conflict Resolution Procedures

We help design procedures for addressing conflicts among authors, reviewers, and editors.

Continual Updates

Our guidance includes recommendations on maintaining and updating policies to keep them aligned with evolving standards and best practices.

Why Choose Our Policy Formation Services:


Our team comprises experienced professionals with deep knowledge of international publishing standards.


Our services are tailored to your journal’s specific focus, ensuring that your policies are relevant and effective.

Time and Cost Efficiency

We streamline the policy formation process, saving you time and effort.

Global Recognition

Aligning with respected organizations and databases enhances your journal’s visibility and reputation.

Comprehensive Support

We offer end-to-end support in policy development and implementation.

International Standards

Our policies adhere to recognized international publishing standards.

Whether you’re launching a new journal or seeking to enhance the policies of an existing one, GRCL’s “Policy Formation Services for Journals” can ensure your publication meets the highest standards of quality, ethics, and transparency.

Contact us to discuss your specific policy needs and objectives.

Policy Revision Services for Journals
Product category: 
Policy Revision Services for Journals

Ensuring that your journal’s policies align with international publishing standards and databases like COPECASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and others is crucial for maintaining credibility and a global reputation. At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we offer specialized “Policy Revision Services for Journals” to help you meet these requirements and enhance the quality of your publication.


Our Policy Revision Services Cover a Wide Range of Aspects, Including:

Ethical Guidelines

Updating and strengthening ethical guidelines to reflect the latest ethical considerations, addressing issues like authorship disputes, conflicts of interest, research misconduct, and adherence to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Peer Review Policies

Revising peer review policies to meet the standards set by ICJME (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and to improve transparency, impartiality, and the overall quality of the peer review process.

Open Access Policies

Adapting open access policies to comply with the latest DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) standards, encompassing licensing, content preservation, and accessibility.

Indexing and Archiving

Revising policies to ensure that your journal remains indexed in databases like CASScopus and Web of Science, including adherence to their requirements for content quality and archiving.

Author Guidelines

Updating author guidelines to ensure that they reflect current submission requirements, plagiarism checks, authorship criteria, and compliance with international standards.

Editorial Policies

Enhancing editorial policies to address decision-making processes, ethical concerns, corrections, retractions, and adherence to data and copyright requirements, in line with COPE guidelines.

Publication Ethics

Strengthening publication ethics guidelines, including the appropriate handling of ethical issues, maintaining high ethical standards, and addressing data sharing and open science policies.

Data Sharing Policies

Updating data-sharing policies to stay aligned with emerging data-sharing trends and requirements as per international databases’ guidelines.

Quality Assurance

Conducting quality assessments and making necessary revisions to ensure your journal’s policies meet the quality requirements of international databases.

Accessibility and Inclusivity Policies

Ensuring that your journal remains accessible to a diverse readership by revising policies regarding language, formatting, and accommodations.

Submission Guidelines

Ensuring that submission guidelines are clear, concise, and up-to-date, covering manuscript preparation, formatting, and submission procedures.

Editorial Workflow

Adapting the editorial workflow for efficient handling of submissions, from receipt to publication, as per ICJME and Scopus recommendations.

Conflict Resolution Procedures

Strengthening procedures for addressing conflicts among authors, reviewers, and editors, following COPE guidelines.

Continual Updates

Providing recommendations for ongoing policy maintenance and updates to keep them in line with emerging standards and best practices from authoritative databases.

Benefits of Our Policy Revision Services:


Our team includes experienced professionals with a deep understanding of international publishing standards and databases.


We tailor our services to the unique focus and goals of your journal, ensuring compliance with the specific requirements of COPECASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and other databases.


We streamline the policy revision process, saving you time and effort.

Global Recognition

Adhering to respected organizations and databases enhances your journal’s visibility and reputation on a global scale.

Comprehensive Support

We offer end-to-end support in the policy revision process, from initial assessment to implementation.

International Standards

Our revised policies conform to recognized international publishing standards, including those of COPE,CASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and others.

Keeping your journal’s policies up-to-date and in line with global standards and databases is essential for maintaining its credibility and international recognition.

Contact us to discuss your specific policy revision needs and objectives, and let GRCL help you achieve excellence in scholarly publishing.

Journal Indexing and Abstracting Advocacy Services
Product category: 
Journal Indexing and Abstracting Advocacy Services

Is your journal struggling to gain recognition and inclusion in esteemed databases like COPECASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and other relevant platforms? Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers specialized “Journal Indexing and Abstracting Advocacy Services” to propel your publication into the global scholarly spotlight.












Our Advocacy Services Covers a Comprehensive Range of Activities

Database Evaluation

  • Thoroughly assess your journal’s current standing and eligibility for inclusion in prominent databases.
  • Identify areas for improvement to meet the specific criteria of  COPECASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and other targeted databases.

Policy Alignment

Ensure that your journal’s policies align with the guidelines and requirements of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), emphasizing ethical standards, transparency, and editorial processes.

DOAJ Compliance

Assist in aligning your journal with DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) standards, covering open access policies, licensing, peer review, and content preservation.

ICJME Integration

Streamline your journal’s editorial policies and processes to meet the standards set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), focusing on ethical considerations and peer review.

Scopus and Web of Science Requirements

Identify and address specific criteria outlined by Scopus and Web of Science for indexing, including content quality, ethical publishing practices, and adherence to their respective guidelines.

Gap Analysis

Conduct a thorough gap analysis to pinpoint areas that need enhancement to meet the expectations of targeted databases.

Documentation Preparation

Assist in the preparation and revision of necessary documentation, including policy documents, ethical guidelines, and any other required materials for submission to databases.

Submission Management

Guide you through the submission process for inclusion in databases, managing communications, and addressing any queries or requirements from database administrators.

Advocacy Strategy

Develop a tailored advocacy strategy to promote your journal to database administrators, emphasizing its adherence to international standards and ethical publishing practices.

Continuous Monitoring

Continuously monitor your journal’s progress and address any feedback or additional requirements from databases, ensuring ongoing compliance.

Strategic Networking

Leverage our networks to establish connections with key stakeholders in the scholarly publishing community, facilitating advocacy efforts.

Benchmarking and Best Practices

Provide insights into benchmarking against industry best practices, ensuring that your journal stands out for its quality and ethical publishing standards.


Benefits of Our Advocacy Services

Expert Guidance

Tap into the expertise of our professionals with a deep understanding of the criteria and expectations of  COPECASDOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and other databases.

Customized Approach

Tailor our advocacy services to your journal’s unique focus, scope, and goals, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.


Streamline the advocacy process, saving you time and effort in navigating complex submission requirements.

Global Recognition

Enhance the visibility and credibility of your journal on a global scale by securing inclusion in renowned databases.

Strategic Positioning

Position your journal as a reputable publication by adhering to the highest standards of ethical publishing and content quality.

Ongoing Support

Receive continuous support in maintaining compliance and addressing evolving requirements of databases.

If you aspire to elevate your journal’s standing by securing inclusion in databases like  COPECAS,  DOAJICJMEScopusWeb of Science, and others, contact us to discuss your journal’s specific needs. Let GRCL be your partner in achieving international recognition and indexing success.​​​​​​

Copyediting Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts
Product category: 
Copyediting Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts

Achieving publication excellence requires more than just compelling research content; it requires impeccable language and style. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) is your trusted partner in ensuring that your journal manuscripts are not only well-researched but also refined to the highest editorial standards through our “Copyediting Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts.”


Our Comprehensive Copyediting Services Include

Language Enhancement

We refine your manuscript’s language, ensuring it is free from grammatical errors and flows naturally. Our expert copyeditors possess a strong command of the English language.

Spelling and Grammar Check

Every sentence is meticulously scrutinized to eliminate spelling and grammatical mistakes. We guarantee that your manuscript is void of language flaws.

Style Consistency

We maintain a consistent writing style, whether adhering to APAMLAChicago, or specific journal guidelines, ensuring conformity throughout your manuscript.

Clarity and Coherence

We enhance the overall flow and structure of your manuscript to convey your ideas with clarity and coherence. Transitions between sections and paragraphs are improved for a seamless reading experience.


We eliminate redundancies and wordiness, enhancing the conciseness of your manuscript while preserving the integrity of your research.

Jargon and Terminology

Specialized terminology is reviewed for accuracy and appropriate usage within the context of your field of study.

Reference Formatting

Your citations and references are meticulously formatted according to your chosen style guide, be it APAMLA, or any other.


To maintain the credibility of your research, our experts conduct thorough fact-checking, verifying the accuracy of all data, figures, and information in your manuscript.

Figures and Tables

If your manuscript includes figures, tables, or graphs, we ensure they are properly labeled and formatted for enhanced visual clarity.

Query Resolution

We address any queries or comments raised by the copyeditor, ensuring your manuscript is error-free and publication-ready.

Manuscript Formatting

Your manuscript is formatted according to the specific guidelines of your target journal or publisher.

Track Changes

We provide a copy of the edited manuscript with track changes, allowing you to review and accept or reject each modification.


Why Choose Our Copyediting Services?

Quality Assurance

Our experienced copyeditors undergo stringent quality control to ensure excellence in every manuscript.

Subject Expertise

We have specialists in various academic fields who understand the unique requirements of different disciplines.


Your manuscript is handled with the utmost confidentiality, safeguarding your research from unauthorized access.

Timely Delivery

We take pride in delivering your edited manuscript within your specified timeline.

Global Impact

Our meticulous copyediting enhances the global appeal of your research, increasing its chances of publication and wider readership.

Elevate your journal manuscript’s quality and impact with GRCL’s Copyediting Services, transforming it into a polished, publication-ready document.

Contact us today to discuss your copyediting requirements and embark on the journey to academic excellence.

English Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts
Product category: 
English Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts

Publishing high-quality research articles is a cornerstone of academic success. Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL) offers comprehensive “English Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts,” ensuring your research is communicated effectively and professionally. Our expert team of English editors is dedicated to helping you achieve publication excellence.


Our Comprehensive English Editing Services Include

Language Enhancement

We refine the language to ensure it is clear, concise, and free from grammatical errors.

Spelling and Grammar Check

Every word and sentence is reviewed for spelling and grammatical accuracy.

Style Consistency

We ensure that your manuscript adheres to your selected style guide, whether it’s APAMLAChicago, or specific journal guidelines.

Clarity and Coherence

We enhance the overall flow and structure of your manuscript to convey your ideas with clarity and coherence.


We eliminate wordiness and redundancy, improving the conciseness of your manuscript while retaining the integrity of your research.

Jargon and Terminology

Specialized terminology is reviewed for accuracy and appropriate usage within the context of your field of study.

Reference Formatting

Citations and references are meticulously formatted according to your chosen style guide, ensuring precision and consistency.


Our experts conduct thorough fact-checking to verify the accuracy of all data, figures, and information in your manuscript.

Figures and Tables

If your manuscript includes figures, tables, or graphs, we ensure they are properly labeled and formatted for clarity and visual impact.

Query Resolution

We address any queries or comments raised by the editor, ensuring your manuscript is error-free and publication-ready.

Manuscript Formatting

Your manuscript is formatted according to the specific guidelines of your target journal or publisher.

Track Changes

We provide a copy of the edited manuscript with track changes, allowing you to review and accept or reject each modification.

Why Choose Our English Editing Services?

Quality Assurance

Our experienced English editors undergo rigorous quality control to ensure excellence in every manuscript.

Subject Expertise

We have specialists in various academic fields who understand the unique requirements of different disciplines.


Your research is treated with the utmost confidentiality to protect it from unauthorized access.

Timely Delivery

We are committed to delivering your edited manuscript within your specified timeline.

Global Impact

Our meticulous English editing enhances the global appeal of your research, increasing its chances of publication and broader readership.

Elevate your journal manuscript’s quality and impact with GRCL’s English Editing Services, transforming it into a polished, publication-ready document.

Contact us today to discuss your English editing needs and enhance your research’s global visibility and recognition.

Technical Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts
Product category: 
Technical Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts

At Genesis Research Consultancy Limited (GRCL), we understand the critical importance of technical precision in journal submissions. Our “Technical Editing Services for Journal’s Submitted Manuscripts” are tailored to help researchers, academics, and professionals ensure their work is not only well-written but also technically sound and rigorous.


Our Comprehensive Technical Editing Services Include:

Technical Accuracy

We meticulously review your manuscript for technical correctness, ensuring that all concepts, methodologies, equations, and data are accurate.

Clarity and Precision

We enhance the clarity and precision of your technical content, making complex concepts understandable to your target audience.

Equation Formatting

Equations are checked for accuracy and formatted to meet journal-specific or international standards.

Mathematical Notation

We ensure consistent and accurate use of mathematical symbols and notation.

Data and Results

Data analysis, results, and interpretations are verified to meet the highest technical standards.

Technical Jargon

Specialized terminology is reviewed for accuracy and suitability within the context of your field of study.

Citation Accuracy

Citations and references are checked for technical accuracy and conformity with your chosen style guide or journal requirements.

Figures and Tables

If your manuscript includes technical figures, tables, or graphs, we ensure they are properly labeled, formatted, and presented with clarity.

Document Formatting

Your manuscript is formatted in accordance with the specific guidelines of your target journal or publisher, including technical references and notations.

Query Resolution

We address any queries or comments raised by the editor or reviewers, ensuring your manuscript is technically accurate and publication-ready.

Track Changes

We provide a copy of the edited manuscript with track changes, allowing you to review and approve or reject each modification.

Why Choose Our Technical Editing Services?

Technical Expertise

Our team includes specialists with deep technical knowledge across various fields, ensuring the highest level of accuracy.

Quality Assurance

Every edited manuscript undergoes stringent quality control to meet the highest technical standards.


We treat your research with the utmost confidentiality to protect it from unauthorized access.

On-Time Delivery

We are committed to delivering your edited manuscript within your specified timeline.

Global Impact

Our technical editing enhances the global appeal of your research, increasing its chances of publication and broader readership.

With GRCL’s Technical Editing Services, you can confidently submit your research to journals, knowing that it meets the highest technical and academic standards.

Contact us today to discuss your technical editing needs and ensure your research has a lasting and impactful presence in the academic world.


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Address information

Navaran, Jadabpur, Jhikargachha, Jashore-7432, Bangladesh
Jashore 7432