Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes

Join the European Startup Community

Sign up to find startup jobs and internships, connect with potential co-founders & mentors and explore the startup ecosystem
StartUs is a professional network that connects you with the European startup community. We help entrepreneurs to find co-founders, mentors and investors, startup enthusiasts to find jobs at startups and innovative companies and startups to recruit IT & entrepreneurial talents

Find jobs & internships

Boring jobs are not for you? Great. At StartUs you will find only amazing co-founder, job and internship opportunities in your city and all around Europe! Sign up, create your profile and increase your chances of getting a dream job!

Connect with people

Finding a right co-founder or a mentor can take up months. Don't waste your time. Sign up and find potential co-founders, mentors, investors and team members and then spent those months on building something great with them. 


Discover startups & organisations

Learn the stories of European startups, find the best accelerators and incubators, discover the cosiest coworking spaces. At StartUs we make sure to provide you with the best overview of the main players in the European startup ecosystem!

Luka Ostrolučanin
Internship seeker, Part time job seeker, Startup enthusiast | Finance, Human Resources & Management
"I´ve registered on STARTUS to get an Internship and meet other people that are into startups. And, actually i got a job just after a few days. So stop wasting your time and act!"
Joy Morozov
Mentor and Advisor | Specialist in Sales and Marketing, New Business Development for Startups
"I am an experienced multilingual and international sales and marketing professional. I registered at STARTUS to advise startups who are considering doing business in UK, Middle East and France"
Patrick Fuchs
Seeking to be (co)-founder, Full time job seeker | Business Student, Startup Enthusiast, Information Guy
"I stumbled over Startus because of a FB group. I immediately signed up as I saw the opportunity to connect with like minded people. It is a great chance to broaden your network"