According to UNFPA in 2050 the world population will reach 9 billion, therefore an increase of food requirements of 70% is expected in the next 35 years. Farming sector will be under pressure to provide enough food for such a large population. Additionally according to UNFAO global warming will have a huge impact on the water resources available for food production, making water an ever more precious resource. Bearing in mind this factors, farmers will have to increase the quantity of their production while at the same time reducing the demands on the usage of water and energy resources.
Agroop aims to democratize the access to technology in the agricultural sector. Agroop's main mission is to build an holistic system that works as a support for decision-making and helps farmers pinpoint several agronomic, technical and meteorological indicators that can contribute heavily to cost reduction and to an increase in productivity, by improving operational procedures as well as saving essential resources, like water and energy.