Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
General information: unlocks the world of human anatomy. Explore every muscle, bone, and organ! Study interactive 3D models, articles, and quizzes that extend each other. is a web-based application that uses excellent graphics, clear information, and targeted assessment to support users in elevating their understanding and furthering their knowledge of the human body. provides a thorough bank of information detailing key knowledge of the essential areas of the human body. This wealth of written content is supported by detailed 3D imagery providing a realistic insight into the human body.

Specifically tailored for medical students, the platform adopts a focused approach to facilitate a strong foundation for their medical careers:

  1. Step-by-step learning: Users can grasp anatomical categories in easily digestible segments.
  2. Color-coded system: 3D models, illustrations, and text are thoughtfully color-matched for better comprehension.
  3. Comprehensive annotations: Each part of the human body is thoroughly annotated to ensure thorough understanding.
  4. Interactive exploration: Users can navigate and explore anatomy limitlessly from different angles using interactive models.
Company information: 
Company type: 
Education, Healthcare / Medical Services, IT - SaaS, Other
Founded when: 
Thursday, 1 January, 2015
Startup stage: 
Shipping stage (actively selling)


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