The main cast of “Beetlejuice” includes American actor Michael Keaton as titular Beetlejuice, Alec Baldwin as Adam Maitland, Geena Davis as Barbara Maitland, Jeffery Jones as Charles Deetz, Catherine O’Hara as Delia Deetz, Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz, Glenn Shadix as Otho and Sylvia Sidney as Juno. If “Beetlejuice 2” arrives, Michael Keaton will renew his role as Betelgeuse. It can also result in the return of Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz, Jeffery Jones, as Charles Deetz and Catherine O’Hara as Delia Deetz. Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis are unlikely to return in Sequel because their characters Adam and Barbara Maitland played a significant role in the first show.
Beetle Juice 2 the Most Awaited Film
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