BIND 4.0

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Basque Country
20014 Basque Country Guipúzcoa
General information: 

BIND 4.0 is a public-private acceleration of the Basque Country. It focuses on Intelligent Industry, Clean Energy & Sustainability, Health, and Food early-stage startups, which include big data, additive manufacturing, artificial vision, augmented and virtual reality, cybersecurity, IoT, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other 4IR technologies.

The program will provide selected startups with the opportunity to create relationships with partner companies as customer suppliers. There are over 65 partner companies such as ABB, CAF, Bridgestone, Mercedes-Benz, Orona, Michelin, Repsol-Petronor, EDP, Iberdrola, Siemens Gamesa, Faes Farma, Ulma, Coca-Cola European Partners or Unilever, among others. You can check the complete list of the partner companies that take part in BIND 4.0 at

Entering our 6th edition and global open call, BIND 4.0 has already accelerated over 130 Startups and developed over 200 Innovative Projects which have generated more than 6 Million Euros in turnover for participating over 100 so far.

ADVANTAGES for Startups:

- Up to €150,000 contract with a top industry firm (45k average paid contract)
- At least one Industry Leading Company as a Client and Reference
- +65 Top Industrial Companies looking for Dynamic Startups
- Collaboration and Real Use application for Industry 4.0 Projects
- Networking & Immersion into the Basque Industrial Ecosystem
- No Equity nor Fees, due to Public-Private nature of the programme
- Investment Opportunities thru BIND 4.0 Venture Club
- Support Services offering Visibility, Mentoring and Growth

OPEN CALL FOR STARTUPS. Apply to BIND 4.0 to get visibility, get contracted and put innovation into action!

Company information: 
Company type: 
Food and Beverage Production, Healthcare / Medical Services, IT - Robotics, IT - SaaS, Manufacturing
Founded when: 
Friday, 1 January, 2016
What is BIND 4.0?
BIND 4.0 is an acceleration program aimed at startups with tech products or services with application in Intelligent Industry, Clean Energy & Sustainability, Health, and Food sectors. It’s a public-private initiative that promotes the development of promising industry 4.0 startups through training, mentorship, and connections to the main industrial players in the Basque Country.
What is the program about?
The fifth edition of our highly successful acceleration program connects you with leading Industry 4.0 manufacturing, energy, healthcare and food companies and contracts worth up to €150,000. Your company retains all equity. We provide support services, networking opportunities, and mentoring. Apply today and join one of the strongest industrial ecosystems in Europe—Basque Country—a top-rated location for market opportunities and growth.
What kind of startups can apply?
Bind 4.0 is addressed to startups from all over the world proposing the use of new technologies in the Intelligent Industry, Clean Energy & Sustainability, Health, and Food fields. Since the first edition of Bind 4.0, more han 130 start-ups have accelerated their businesses through the program. If your start-up company has completed product development or recently launched a solution based on one of the Industry 4.0 technologies, you’re ready to take the next step.
Who promotes BIND 4.0?
Bind 4.0 is led by the Basque Government and its business development agency SPRI. It collaborates with the main industrial companies in the region and is supported by HAZI Foundation and the three Provincial Councils of the Basque Autonomous Community.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. Our partner companies pay for the development of your project and you will not be asked to transfer part of it in return for your participation either.
What is the language of the program?
The program will be in English, requiring at least one of the team members to have the necessary language skills.
Can I apply if I have a business idea?
Bind 4.0 is addressed to startups in the industry 4.0 field that have finished their technological development and are ready to finalize their product/service for launch to the market. Early stage and “idea phase” projects will not be accepted into this program.
Is it required that the company is legally established?
Yes, applying startups must be legally established, have finished their technological development and be prepared to launch it on the market.
Is there any nationality requirement?
No. Startups from any country can apply for Bind 4.0. The only requirements are to comply with the legal requirements to attend the activities of the program carried out in the Basque Country
How do I sign up?
Startups should sign up by filling out the application form. In addition, every team will be asked to send a video where founders introduce their startup. Any other attachments that provide additional information (demos, presentation, etc.) may also be considered. Application forms must be sent in English
Who selects the participating startups?
The participating startups are chosen by partner companies. Startups that overcome the selection process and reach a collaboration agreement with at least one of the industry’s associated companies will join Bind 4.0.
How does the selection process unfold?
The process is divided in three phases: PHASE 1: Pre-Selection of Startups The Coordination Committee will evaluate all the applications and will select the best startups according to the previously defined assessment criteria. During this period, potentially eligible teams might be requested to provide additional information. The 50 startups with the highest score will pass to the second phase. PHASE 2: Selection of Finalist Startups Partner companies will evaluate the pre-selected startups through “pitching” type interviews according to the previously defined assessment criteria. Partner companies will select the finalist startups with the highest scores to move on to Phase 3 PHASE 3: Matching between a partner company and finalist startups for work on a joint project During this phase. Finalist Startups and Industry Partners may meet to define the scope of the project and reach a collaboration agreement. SPRI will be able to support the finalist startups in order to favor the face-to-face contact between the startups and the partner companies. In order to ease the legal terms of the agreement, the Program will facilitate a standard agreement template. However, both sides have full freedom to write other clauses in the contract. The Startups that achieve a collaboration agreement with Industry partner companies will join Bind 4.0.
Who can access my documents?
Only the jury and competition managers will have access to the documents of each team. The documents will be strongly protected from any unauthorized access.
How will I know if my application is moving forward?
After closing the pre-selection process, Bind 4.0 will contact the selected applicants to coordinate the Interviews of the second phase. The applicants who have not been selected will also be informed of the result. When interviews of Phase 2 are done, the Bind 4.0 team will contact the finalist startups to coordinate the meeting between the startup and the industry partner company so that they can work on the definition and reach of the joint project.
What is the matching between partner companies and startups?
Partner companies will propose to each selected Startup the chance to develop a real project with monetary compensation. During this phase, meetings between Finalist Startups and interested Partner Companies may happen with the aim to define the scope of the project and reach a collaboration agreement. In order to ease the legal terms of the agreement, the Program will facilitate a standard agreement template. However, both sides have full freedom to write other clauses in the contract. Startups will have the legal support of the Program to make this agreement. While the final amount of the project and the conditions of the possible contract to be signed between the partner company and the startup will be agreed by the parties depending on the scope and complexity of their project, the program establishes an indicative minimum of €25,000 (excluding VAT).
Will I have to move to the Basque Country if I am selected?
BIND 4.0 encourages participating startups to spend as much time as possible in the Basque Country, with the aim of promoting their immersion and development in the Basque industrial ecosystem. In this sense, at least one member of the startup is required to attend the mandatory activities described in the Terms & Conditions.
Are transport and expenses included in the program?
The Program provides financial support to foreign startups in order to support its living expenses during the program. Also, Bind 4.0 helps you to find the perfect accommodation and workspace for your team, so you can focus on what really matters.
What type of training is provided?
Bind 4.0 offers high-quality training and guidance provided by outstanding international professionals. The aim of the Bind 4.0 Program is to encourage Startup teams to work on their projects while they are being trained on acceleration issues.
What is the role of the mentors?
The mentors of the program will coach participants and try to bring out the best in each of them. They are well-regarded international professionals who offer their knowledge, personal experience, and vision, with the goal of helping startups develop more effectively. The mentoring team will guide the startups in each phase of their business model, marketing strategy, networks, etc., in an effort to obtain financing, investment or new clients.
Why would partner companies invest in startups without equity?
The companies that partner Bind 4.0 are constantly searching for new concepts, innovative ideas and early-stage startups that can contribute to their industry 4.0 challenges. Collaborating companies obtain profit by being in contact with the best entrepreneur talent in the world and also by developing innovative projects with controlled risks and costs.
How does the relationship between the startup and the partner company continue once the project is over?
When the project is finished, the relationship between the startups and partner companies will evolve based on the needs and motivations that may arise between both sides, which they can agree to privately.
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
If you have any doubt or query, do not hesitate to contact the Bind 4.0 coordination team at We will be happy to help you!


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Address information

Basque Country
20014 Basque Country Guipúzcoa
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