byrd technologies GmbH

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
byrd technologies GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 117/2/23
1060 Wien

byrd is a logistics platform that helps online retailers with their e-commerce fulfillment. With its software byrd connects webshops to an array of warehouses and fulfillment partners in Austria and Germany that provide e-commerce fulfillment services.

StartupE-commerceThursday, 14 July, 2016Shipping stage (actively selling)Customer Support, Design / UX, IT - Backend, IT - Frontend, Marketing, Sales, Other Occupations50
byrd E-Commerce Fulfillment Dashboard for Online ShopsSaaS for E-Commerce

byrd's Dashboard allows Online Retailers to manage their E-Commerce Fulfillment Process in one place, offering access to various partners, ranging from fulfillment warehouses in various locations to shipping partners


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