Our team specializes in bringing value to your home through both indoor and outdoor home repair projects. Whether your roof was damaged in a storm, just needs replaced, or you have internal damage from water, we will make sure to get your home back to its beautiful self in no time.
C&C Roofing & Restoration
3568 Hoover Rd, Grove City, OH 43123, United States
Grove City, OH 43123
United States 
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Roofing Repair Columbus Ohio
Roofing Repair Columbus Ohio is one of the most important parts of your home, and it protects you from the elements and keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If your roof is damaged, it can lead to leaks and other problems. That’s why you shouldn’t go another day without fixing your roof.

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Address information
3568 Hoover Rd, Grove City, OH 43123, United States
Grove City, OH 43123
United States 
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