Cinnamon Bridge

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Long Acre
United Kingdom
General information: 


Cinnamon Bridge is the business growth accelerator pioneering the Food and Beverage industries. It is a platform created to support entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industries to improve their products, business models, to prepare for the intense competition and to get RETAIL LISTINGS and FUNDING. We believe that lots of fun and excitement has to be a part of any product in this industry because it is about bringing joy and pleasure for the consumer, so even if our acceleration process is very intense, it is all about enjoying the delicious and amazing new products and sharing them with everybody. 

The process is easy:

SUBMITTING the PRODUCT to the Cinnamon Bridge accelerator. Our team, industry experts and consumers will evaluate it. If it is innovative, exciting and we can get it funded and delivered to the shelves - we will select 10 ideas during the spring session and 10 during the autumn one.

IMPROVEMENT and ACCELERATION Programme. A team of the best experts in the industry will work with each product individually for 3-4 months to get everything straight ready for sales. Market, Product, Branding, Route to the Market, advertising and promotion and the overall business will be shaken so hard so every flaw will surface and will be exterminated!

PRESENT the PRODUCT in our special event that will finalise the programme - meet the top buyers, investors, and high profile decision makers that are thirsty for something new and exciting. Present your product, participate in an open discussion, get their comments face to face and move towards funding and getting listed.

GROW your BUSINESS with an ongoing support form the Cinnamon Bridge - showcase the product during the industry events, meet new buyers, participate in the trade-fairs, get hands-on support for your business expansion during the first 3 years!

Food and beverage industry have never been on such an exciting road uphill! It is difficult to get there, but the weather is nice on the top. Cinnamon Bridge is here to open new doors for the likeminded with the same love for taste, smell and gourmet satisfaction! 




Company information: 
Company type: 
Startup Services
Products and Services: 
How to get started

1. Submit your
business proposal
2. Perfect your product
3. Pitch to buyers
and investors
4. Grow your business


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Address information

Long Acre
United Kingdom
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