City Roofing & Exteriors has been proudly serving the residents of Southern Alberta since 2011 by providing outstanding exterior construction services. City Roofing & Exteriors is a company of Chinese origin with a unique specialization in roofing services, which adds ethnic diversity to the Alberta roofing industry. We believe that this gives our company a competitive advantage as we employ well-credentialed individuals who bring a wider range of skills, experiences, and perspectives to the Canadian market. This means better discussion, greater diligence in decision making, and ultimately, improved financial performance and shareholder value. Each of these company traits falls within our countries multicultural mandate, which aims to improve the goods and services provided to the residents of Canada. Since its initiation, City Roofing & Exteriors has been delivering expert installation and providing exceptional service to 750+ satisfied customers. Our company’s success has been demonstrated over the past five years, where we have grown from a small, one crew operating, residential company, and have expanded into a multi-crew construction company capable of accommodating both commercial and residential work at a high standard. Each of our construction crews is considered to be ‘in-house,’ meaning that we do not subcontract any of our business, which allows us to intimately oversee each one of our operations so we can ensure the highest quality and service to our customers. One of our primary aims is to continue to facilitate the growth and development of City Roofing and & Exteriors so we can continue to provide our goods and services to Alberta.
Contact us today at: +1 403-608-9933
City Roofing & Exteriors
3935 3a St NE Unit #3
Calgary, AB T2E 6S7
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3935 3a St NE Unit #3
Calgary, AB T2E 6S7
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