
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
South Hoover Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
United States
General information: 

Dentulu is the leading teledentistry platform in the United States region. Apart from the virtual dental consultations, Dentulu provides various dental services to the patients and providers.

1. Find a local dentist near your area
2. Mobile dentistry to your home
3. Senior people dentistry
4. Hospice dental care
5. 24/7 Emergency dentists
6. Dental consultation and monitoring
7. Saliva testing services
8. Dental clinic management software for the service providers / dentists.
9. Dental second opinion
10. Buy award-winning intraoral camera

Company information: 
Company type: 
Healthcare / Medical Services
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Wireless Intraoral Camera
Product category: 

The future of dentistry has arrived! Introducing the Wireless MouthCAM, an artificial intelligence software that will revolutionize how we view oral health. This lightweight camera captures high definition images inside your mouth while also providing a live video feed to you dentist from within it - all without having any wires attached whatsoever.

Wired Intraoral Camera
Product category: 

In the past, dental patients were required to use special instruments that could be painful and time consuming. Now with Dentulu's MouthCam Wired Intra Oral camera it is easy for anyone in any situation! With its light weight HD images you get a clear picture of what needs fixing without having pain or spending more money on other dental procedures.


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Address information

South Hoover Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
United States
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