
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Danneskiold-Samsøes Alle 41
1434 Copenhagen
General information: 

EasySize is a data-driven size prediction tool defining clothing sizes based on shopping behaviour and style preferences and decreasing returns for online-shops. We help online shops to save money and offer their clients a new shopping experience.EasySize analyses customers shopping behaviour togethr with various factors, like brand&collection, manufacturing country, clothing cutting, fabric), to predict the size of clothes, which your customers won’t return.
EasySize has proven to decrease returns up to 35-40% and increase sales by 25-42% for online-shops. Our latest test data with live European online-shops shows that EasySize has a 92% accuracy of the correct clothing size prediction.
First time EasySize users only need to input the size and brand of their best fitted piece of clothing item. For returning users, EasySize can recommend the size by analysing the user’s historical purchase orders. The size conversion is all done behind the scene, providing a pleasant user experience of the online customer.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Founded when: 
Monday, 6 October, 2014
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
Product category: 

EasySize has developed an algorithm that analyses various prediction factors from the manufacturing country to the fabric and cutting. We use machine learning to analyse customer purchase behaviours, therefore our prediction accuracy improves with each additional customer purchase.
We believe that accurate size prediction should not be based on what the customer’s perceived size is but based on actual customer purchases and the associated returns history.Therefore, EasySize technology analyses a given customer’s order records and defines a desired brand's size in less than a second.
Our integration process takes less than an hour and can be completed via our JavaScript library, by copy-pasting a snippet of code; or by using our Magento plug-in. We also support integration through our API which gives more flexibility in UI/UX. All integration methods don't have any dependencies.


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