enABLE Care Management, Half Moon Bay Office

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enABLE Care Management, Half Moon Bay Office
700 Mill Street Suite 16
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
United States
General information: 

enABLE Care Management is a CMC (Care Manager Certified) owned and operated company providing thoughtful, customized, senior life coordination with simple but effective solutions. Whether someone is looking for a personal aide to come to their home, move into assisted living, or just needs a little help managing and planning it all, enABLE is here to help. We believe in enabling life to be lived to the fullest– for the senior, their family, friends, responsible party, and the providers working with them. To us, that means, offering flexible options and tailoring them to each client’s specific needs. enABLE Care Managers are certified by the National Association of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) and are members of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA). Most of our GCM’s are also Certified Senior Advisors (CSA) and all have extensive experience and training in the senior care field. Our Geriatric Care Managers adhere to a strict code of professionalism and ethics. 


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Address information

700 Mill Street Suite 16
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
United States
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