Landscaping Services Ajax

Materials Hack
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8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
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Landscaping Services Ajax
180 Station St. Unit 5
Ajax, ON L1S 1R9
General information: 

We start every project with a deep dive landscaping consultation with or clients. We then come up with a game plan and landscape design that is signed off by our client. We ensure expectations are met and project timelines are set and agreed to by all parties. Once the project begins we keep our client fully informed of every aspect, be it a small sod replacement job or a complete landscape project like an interlocking driveway installation or retaining wall installation. Once the work is completed we do a walk around and inspection of the final work and get the client's sign-off once done we clean up and let you enjoy your finished landscape project.

Phone : 647-559-4919


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Address information

180 Station St. Unit 5
Ajax, ON L1S 1R9
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