
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes

Claim instruction: 

  1. Send us an email to from an official Lightbend​ email account. The content must be:

    StartUs buddies, 

    Please, allow me to claim rights over Lightbend​

    Best regards,
    [your name]

  2. Once sent the email click the Claim Startup button.
  3. Our team will verify the origin account and will grant claim rights over the startup to the user if everything is ok.
EPFL Innovation Park Bâtiment D
1015 Lausanne
General information: 

Lightbend is the proud provider of the world’s leading Reactive application development platform. We are a passionate crew of technology pioneers committed to building amazing software.

We build and maintain the Akka message-driven runtime, Play web framework, Lagom Microservices framework, and Scala programming language, and we contribute to Apache Spark. Our mission is to help developers build high-performance applications that are message-driven, elastic, resilient and responsive.

We created the Lightbend Reactive Platform to make it easy to build software applications that are massively distributed and reduce the headaches and risks associated with managing Microservice-based apps in production.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Telecommunication
Products and Services: 

Akka is the Ideal Runtime for Building Reactive Applications on the JVM

Imagine building concurrent, distributed applications with ease and confidence. Akka, and the Actor model, ensures entire systems are not brought down by failures, but rather heal and adapt on their own.

Akka decouples business logic from low-level mechanisms such as threads, locks and non-blocking I/O, and liberates developers from the hariest challenges of managing the state and location of services.


Lagom is a framework for creating microservice-based systems. It offers four main features:

The Service API provides a way to declare and implement service interfaces, to be consumed by clients. For location transparency, clients discover services through a Service Locator. The Service API supports synchronous request-response calls as well as asynchronous streaming between services.

The Persistence API provides event-sourced persistent entities for services that store data. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) read-side support is provided as well. Lagom manages the distribution of persisted entities across a cluster of nodes, enabling sharding and horizontal scaling. Cassandra is provided as a database out-of-the-box.

The Development Environment allows running all your services, and the supporting Lagom infrastructure, with one command. It hot-reloads your services when code changes; no fragile scripts are needed to set up and maintain a development environment. With Lagom, a developer can bring up a new service or join an existing Lagom development team in just a few minutes.

Lightbend ConductR is the out-of-the-box supported production environment. Lightbend ConductR allows simple deployment, monitoring, and scaling, of Lagom services in a container environment.


Play Framework is a core offering of the Lightbend Reactive Platform. It’s a web application framework, written in Scala and Java, that makes iterative, Reactive application development very simple. Play is a clean alternative to the legacy Enterprise Java stacks. It focuses on developer productivity, modern web and mobile applications, and predictable, minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) resulting in highly performant, highly scalable applications.


A Scala-based, highly performant general computation engine for large-scale data processing


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