Marshal Truck Wash | Truck Wash in Aurora

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Marshal Truck Wash | Truck Wash in Aurora
12271 Melinda Lane NE
Aurora, OR 97002
United States
General information: 

Are you looking for a truck wash company offering unparalleled services? Or are you simply looking for a truck wash company whose track record is outstanding? Then Marshal Truck Wash is all you need. We have flexed muscles and dug deep into the market to bring you some of the greatest truck wash services such as acidizing, detailing, offering parts on the site.

More Details:

Phone: (503) 678-5440


Google My Business:

Hours : 24/7

Company information: 
Company type: 
Automotive and Services
Products and Services: 
Product category: 

Aluminum has replaced steel in many ways regarding automotive engineering. However, aluminum also gets ugly over time as a result of surface oxidization. Acidizing the truck and trailer once per year will shave off that thin oxidized layer of ugliness and restore the surface to a remarkable shine and newness. Essentially, what it does is dissolve the metal one thin layer at a time, so it’s best not to do this too often. Marshal Truck Wash offers this service, as it is one of the best ways to keep aluminum clean and looking new. A truck that shines on the road reflects positively on the company that owns it. And that can mean more business in the future.

Product category: 
Car detailing service

To keep that professional look, your truck needs to stay sharp and clean, both on the inside and on the outside. It is important to get in those hard to reach places to keep corrosion from forming. Dirt, soil, salt, and a whole galaxy of other substances gathered from the road conspire to cause damage to the vehicle and can slowly increase costs on maintenance, not to mention lost time in labor. That is what we as detailers do. We get into those hard to reach spaces and clean them out. We make it our business to restore the vehicle to its original condition so that the truck continues to keep its professional appeal. Your truck is an important piece of your company’s public appearance. It is always a good idea to keep your corporate image looking good at all times.

Product category: 

With more aggressive ice melting chemicals out there on the market these days, it is important to keep truck fleets properly washed and free of these corrosion causing compounds. There are always those old-school, manual washes, where a couple of guys get in there with a good scrub down, but they tend to take more time, and therefore, tend to cost more money. They can get a thorough job done. And it’s always nice to see a friendly face. However, a quality high-tech system can usually do the same amount of work in a fraction of the time. This will get the driver back on the road faster and help that truck last longer. This resolves itself into less labor and maintenance cost for the owner. Marshal Truck Wash claims that they have a process that can thoroughly wash just about any sized vehicle for the around the price of a cup of coffee. And it can finish the job in less time it takes to drink one. These are highly specialized machines designed to do the most with the least so that your truck comes out looking like a million bucks without it costing that much for the privilege.

What are your working hours?
Our working hours run from Monday to Friday 7 AM to 11PM and Saturday and Sunday 8AM to 8PM but may exceed someday depending on the flow of job at hand.
What services do you offer?
We offer machine or robotic and touchless cleaning service for your vehicle. To make sure that there are no parts untouched, we also have a manual thorough check-up that ensures everything is clean.
How long do I have to wait while the vehicle is being washed?
There are different time schedule for each type of vehicle depending on their size. This should generally take you about 7 minutes minimum and 20 minutes maximum. The bigger your vehicle, the more time it takes to clean and this is what gives you average wait time.


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Address information

12271 Melinda Lane NE
Aurora, OR 97002
United States
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