
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Ulica Hermana Bužana 6
10 000 Zagreb
General information: 

Mogy is an innovative software solution for personal trainers and their clients which provides them a unified experience for creating specialized workout plans, powerful client management and
detailed reviews of workout statistics for any client or exercise!

Stay in touch with every client on a daily basis!

Mogy provides trainers and coaches a web app experience while their clients send them feedback over a mobile app in realtime!

Clients can access their workouts through mobile apps on iOS or
Android. After completing their day or after the end of any exercise,
the client sends finished activities from the mobile app and the data is
immediately visible on coach's dashboard.

Workout statistics are updated immediately!

Coaches can manage workout programs for each client and revise them if
necessary, analyse them, receive live reports, and see graphical
representation of data.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Sports, Other
Founded when: 
Saturday, 1 February, 2014
Startup stage: 
Development and Testing stage
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Business Development, Design / UX, IT - Mobile, IT - Software Dev, Public Relations
Total numbers of employees: 


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Address information

Ulica Hermana Bužana 6
10 000 Zagreb
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