New Zealand's Online Camping Store specialising in ultralight camping gear and tents. Wide range of hiking tents, sleeping bags, sleeping mattresses, backpacks, camping equipment and camping accessories. Ultralight hiking tents below 2kg. We also have family tents, winter tents, 2 man tents suitable for hiking, cycling and touring. Camping chairs, tables, cook sets are also available.
Business Phone: +64 9-553-8854
Hours Of Operation: Monday - Friday: 12pm- 5pm
Payment Method: Shopify Payments, Paypal, Afterpay, Master, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay
Product Offer: Tents, Hiking Tents, Ultralight Hiking Tents, Camping Mattress, Sleeping Mat, Sleeping Bag, Camping Chair, Camping Table,Trekking Poles, Hiking Backpack, Waterproof Bag, Dry Bag, Camping Lights, Camping Cookware, Camping Shower, Camping Kettle
Area Served: New Zealand Nationwide