Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore

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Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore
3 Mount Elizabeth #14-13, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
General information: 

Phone            :      (65) 3129 2750

Email        :      support@orthopaedicclinicsingapore.com

Description    :    Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore s headed by consultant orthopaedic surgeon Dr Sean Ng, and is a one-stop clinic for all orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions, including sports surgery and knee surgery. We not only specialise in effective surgical treatments, we also recognise the importance of regular, sustained care to ensure long-term satisfaction. This includes pain management and physiotherapy to keep your muscles strong and your joints functioning at an optimal level. Hence, while it is your goal to return to regular life as quickly as possible, it is ours to help you achieve that and beyond. Read more about orthopaedic surgery.

Keywords        :      Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore, Orthopaedic Doctor Singapore

Hour        :    Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm; Saturday 9am to 1pm


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Address information

3 Mount Elizabeth #14-13, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
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