Pro Spine & Pain

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Pro Spine & Pain
General information: 

Pain is only a Word, NOT a sentence. The center for pain management, Pro Spine & Pain (formerly PPW Health & APM), is a group of pain doctors and mid-level practitioners with nearly 100 years of collective experience in minimally invasive spine care and pain management.

Conditions Treated at the Pain Center in Madison, WI:

• Back pain; neck pain; thoracic pain; herniated disc; degenerative disc disease; spinal stenosis; failed back surgery syndrome; sacroiliac pain; sciatica, and sports injury treatment.

• Diabetic neuropathy
• Complex regional pain syndrome

Sciatica treatment
• Postherpetic neuralgia (pain related to shingles)
• Cancer pain


Visit Madison-based the best pain management doctor to relieve back, neck, and joint pain symptoms. Our offices are conveniently located in Madison, Wisconsin.


Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420


Web address:


Our location on map: Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights


Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed


Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Company type: 
Healthcare / Medical Services
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Back Pain Treatment in Madison, WI
Product category: 
Back Pain Treatment

If you’re struggling with back pain, you are not alone. Nearly 9 out of 10 Americans encounter this problem at some point, making it the second most common reason, after upper respiratory infections, for doctor visits. Among those under the age of 40, back pain is the main reason for individuals to miss work days as well as the primary cause of immobility, disabling approximately two percent of the American workforce at any given time.

If you’re experiencing any degree of spinal pain, seek a definitive diagnosis and effective treatment for back pain to ensure you can stay productive and active. Find back pain relief in Wisconsin at Pro Spine & Pain, your go-to source for cutting-edge back pain management techniques. Schedule an appointment today.

Your spine acts as the primary conduit for all sensations and movement in your body. The nerves, muscles, ligaments, bones, and cartilage in your back and spine are susceptible to disease and spine injury.


While various conditions can contribute to back pain, it commonly presents as:

  • Sciatica: Characterized by pain signals that move along the path of the sciatic nerve, starting from the back and extending through the buttocks to the thigh. These types of pain usually affect only one side of the body.
  • Lower back pain: Manifesting as a sudden, sharp pain or a persistent, enduring ache. Acute low back pain typically lasts from a few days to one month, while subacute pain ranges from four to 12 weeks. Chronic pain persists for over three months, with about one in five cases of acute pain developing into chronic pain.
  • Upper back pain: Problems in this area are less common than in the lower back, but equally discomforting. It is typically focused on the shoulders and neck
  • Middle back pain: Centered around issues with the thoracic spine, mid-back pain may indicate a range of issues, including strain, injury, or poor posture. Occasionally it can also point to a more serious underlying condition. For this reason, it’s essential to have any back pain examined by a specialist for a comprehensive diagnosis.

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Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420


Web address:


Our location on map: Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights


Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed


Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

Sports Medicine Specialist
Product category: 
sports injury treatment

Sports injuries encompass a wide range of injuries occurring in different areas of the body, resulting from strenuous activities like sports. Certain body parts are more susceptible to damage from these injuries, including the back. Below, we outline the 8 most common types of sports injuries, with the categories of runner’s knee, shoulder injury, ankle sprain, and back pain comprising over 80% of all sports injuries.


Common Sports Injuries


  • Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee is a prevalent sports injury that affects runners, cyclists, and swimmers, as well as individuals engaged in activities like aerobics, football, basketball, and volleyball. It occurs due to excessive stress on the knee, resulting in irritation of the tendon below the knee-cap.

  • Knee Ligament Injuries

Knee injuries can occur due to various factors such as direct impacts, falls, or landing on a flexed knee. These injuries are frequently observed in footballers. They primarily involve the ligaments that stabilize the knee joint, including the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the medial cruciate ligament (MCL), and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).

  • Shoulder Injury

These injuries are commonly associated with activities like tennis, swimming, and volleyball. The primary factor leading to these issues is the overuse of the shoulder, leading to loosening of the rotator cuff, which comprises a group of tendons and muscles surrounding the shoulder.

  • Ankle Sprain

Sprained ankles often occur during activities that involve jumping, running, or sudden changes of direction, like football or basketball. These movements can cause the ankle to twist and potentially damage a tendon or ligament.

  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis elbow occurs when the tendons in the elbow degenerate as a result of frequent use of backhand strokes in tennis. This condition causes discomfort on the outer side of the elbow. Golfer’s elbow affects the inner part of the elbow, resulting from inflammation in the muscles responsible for flexing the forearm.

  • Shin Splints

Shin splints are characterized by pain along the inside of the shinbone, resulting from inflammation of the surrounding muscles. These are most commonly experienced by individuals who are sedentary and abruptly intensify their workout routines.

  • Groin Sprain

This pertains to the strain of the adductor muscles, positioned in the upper thigh. These muscles aid in bringing the legs together and can lead to a sudden, sharp pain and swelling on the inner side of the thigh. Typically, this occurs when changing directions abruptly during running.

  • Hamstring Sprain

The hamstrings are the muscles behind your thighs. Hamstring strains most commonly occur due to inadequate warming up or excessive fatigue.


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Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420


Web address:


Our location on map: Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights


Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed


Payment: cash, check, credit cards.


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