
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes

Claim instruction: 

  1. Send us an email to from an official Sapho​ email account. The content must be:

    StartUs buddies, 

    Please, allow me to claim rights over Sapho​

    Best regards,
    [your name]

  2. Once sent the email click the Claim Startup button.
  3. Our team will verify the origin account and will grant claim rights over the startup to the user if everything is ok.
1001 Bayhill Drive Suite 180
San Bruno, CA 94066
United States
General information: 

Sapho allows organizations to create and deliver secure micro apps, based on existing business systems, that connect people with important data and critical workflows. Our rapid mobile application development and integration platform is a drag-and-drop app builder that provides IT professionals, business analysts, and process experts the ability to build micro apps that deliver employees actionable information and one-click task completion.

Sapho is changing how people work through access to information wherever they are. We live this change every day through our flexible, fast-paced work environment. Our employees are based in our headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Prague, Czech Republic. We look for people whose talent and drive are at the top of their game, yet are able to relax, not take things too seriously, and have a good time.

Company information: 
Company type: 
IT - Software Development
Products and Services: 
Micro App Platform

The Sapho Micro App Platform is the best way to put actionable business information into your employees’ hands. This rapid micro application development and integration platform enables organizations to create and deliver secure micro apps that tie into existing business systems and track changes to key business data. The result is a set of micro apps that notify employees of important information and their associated actions. Employees benefits from real time data updates and one-click task completion from a single unified app.

Build micro apps in minutes; deliver them instantly

Sapho provides a simple to use, drag-and-drop app builder to enable IT professionals, business analysts, and process experts to customize pre-built micro app templates and create new micro apps in minutes.

These micro apps are instantly delivered to employees on their choice of device via a mobile app for smartphones and tablets or through a messenger app or browser for laptops and other devices.

Use pre-built system connectors for easy set up

Sapho includes customizable connectors for business software, homegrown internal software, SaaS apps, web services, databases, and data warehouses. These connectors are designed to extract business data from systems and transform it into a format that enables Sapho to notify employees of actionable information.

This reduces the time and costs commonly found when connecting a new platform to the hundreds of existing systems that need to be integrated to deliver information people need to do their job.

Deliver the right data to the right people at the right time

Once Sapho is connected to your business systems, it can monitor for changes that occur. Based on micro app rules, Sapho determines which systems changes are important and notifies the appropriate employees.

Through a personalized Facebook-like “feed” accessible from any device, employees have quick visibility into the information they need across all of their systems. And for urgent information, employees receive a push notification to ensure a timely response.

Create workflows never before possible

Sapho modernizes workflows to speed up business. Simply select which system changes to monitor, sets triggers, and choose from possible actions.

Now information pushed to employees’ devices becomes actionable activities, allowing them to complete the action from their feed or secure micro app, without any system logons. All actions are written back to the system of record.

Deploy on your own infrastructure; use your existing security

Sapho is deployed into your data center or into your virtual private cloud. Pre-built connectors for existing identity management, access control, and single sign-on solutions ensure apps are identity-aware and have authorized access.

The Sapho mobile app does not store data on the device and connects to your data center with existing VPN solutions.


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