
Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Mission Boulevard,
Fremont, CA 94539
United States
General information: 

Simpliv is a global online learning marketplace that transforms lives by offering online training on a wide variety of topics. Created with the aim of making education accessible to all, Simpliv removes barriers to education among all communities, imparts life skills to learners, and bridges gaps in learning through cost-effective courses.

Simpliv believes that learning has no boundaries. It brings learning to any person who wants to learn, whether it is management, technology, life sciences or any other subject of interest.

Company information: 
Company type: 
Educational Institution
E-commerce, Education, IT - Software Development
Founded when: 
Monday, 9 July, 1990
Startup stage: 
Co-Founder stage (got a team)
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Education / Training
Total numbers of employees: 
Products and Services: 
List of 2D and 3D Animation Courses online
Product category: 
2D or 3D animation Videos

Cinematography for 2D Animation Essentials

Sketch Up 3D Modeling In Arabic

Writing a Script for Animation in Adobe Story

Using an Editing Software for Animation

Create a Dojo Background for Animation in Photoshop

Body Language in Character Animation

Time Management For Animators

Save Time in Character Animation in After Effects

Direct and Produce Animation

2D Animation With No Drawing Skills in After Effects

Engage Your Audience with Animated Presentations in After Effects

Character Design For Animation in Illustrator

Mixing Audio for Animation in Audacity

Animate a Ninja in CrazyTalk Animator 3

Cell Shading for Animation in Photoshop and CTA3.2

Sketching for Animators Who Can’t Draw

Backgrounds and Assets for Animation with No Drawing Skills

Rigging a Character in After Effects

2D Animation in Moho from Basic to Advanced

Make Money With Animation and Design

Create Animated Series for YouTubers in CrazyTalk Animator 3.1

Hard Surface Modeling in MODO

Create a traditional japanese scene in Modo

Autodesk Maya - Modeling Lowpoly Cartoon Fishing House

3D Game Modeling & Animation With Blender

Stop Motion Essentials

Introduction to Autodesk Maya 2016

Curso Creo Parametric 4.0 - Treinamento Expert Pro-Engineer

Promob Plus 2018 Render Up Real Scene 360º Planejados

Rigging for characters in Maya

Zbrush Course in Zbrush Vol. 1: Learn Basic Zbrush 3D software

Learn Cinema 4D: Low Poly Tree

Learn Cinema 4D: Low Poly Wolf

Create an Abstract Background

Learn Cinema 4D: Low Poly Planet

Desenhando um skate no Solidwords + Renderizando no Keyshot

Modelagem Avançada Solidworks - Exercício Prático

Maîtrisez Revit 2018 : Les familles paramétriques

Animación facial y 2D con Crazy Talk 8

Turn a 2d photo into a 3d animation with After Effects and Photoshop!

AutoDesk Fusion 360 - 3D CAD Reinvented

Blender 3D Basics - An Intuitive Approach

AutoCAD 2D - 2018

Cartoon Drawing: For The Absolute Beginner!

Super Easy & Fun 3D Character Animation in 3ds max (Part-I)

Modeling an Old Cannon in Blender

Intro to Moho Pro/Anime Studio 2D Illustration-Animation

Beginner Moho Pro/Anime Studio: 2D Illustration-Animation

CrazyTalk 8.1 3D Avatar Talking Head/Lip Sync Video Creation

PowerPoint 2013/2016 Beginner to Advanced with Animation

Rendering and Compositing AOV's with Arnold and Nuke

3D Animation for Architecture 3ds max + Vray (phase 1)

Create Your Own Hulk Vol.2: Modeling The Armor

Create Your Own Hulk Vol.3: Texturing And Painting In Zbrush

Create Your Own Hulk En Vol.4: Pose & Render Full Fight

3D Master, from Zero to Hero Vol.5: Head Anatomy

Create "Sylvanas" Vol.2: Armor

Master 3D, Create "Sylvanas" Vol.3 - Texture

Creation of Sylvanas with Zbrush Vol.4 - Pose and Render

3D Animation for Architecture 3ds max + Vray (phase 3)

3D Animation for Architecture 3ds max + Vray (phase 2)

Animating Traditionally with Toon Boom

Apprenez à utiliser 3D BUILDER

Cinema 4D Modeling Basics

How to Prepare, Texture, and Render a Game Poly Weapon

Análisis y diseño de infraestructura urbana con InfraWorks

Projeto de Animação 3ds Max

Learn Cinema 4D from Scratch Fast and Easy

Animation: A Quick Course To Learn Stop Motion Animation

Introduction to Skeletal Modeling Applied on an Assembly using Autodesk I...

Creating The Soul Reaver Sword In Zbrush


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Address information

Mission Boulevard,
Fremont, CA 94539
United States
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