Witch Chest

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8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
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General information: 

Witch Chest is an Ottawa based witch supply store. However, we want it to be more, we want it to be a source of witchy information in the Ottawa Community supplying cost effective ritual supplies to our friends and friends to be. Many Blessings!

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Products and Services: 
Altar Items
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

Altar items are objects that are used in the creation and decoration of personal altars, which are sacred spaces that can be used for prayer, meditation, ritual, and other spiritual practices. Some common altar items include candles, crystals, statues or representations of deities or spiritual figures, incense, feathers, flowers, and symbols such as pentacles or crosses. Altar items can be chosen based on personal preference, cultural or religious tradition, or the intended purpose of the altar. They are often imbued with personal significance and spiritual meaning, and can be used to help focus and direct intention and energy during ritual or meditation.

Witch Sabbats
Product category: 

Witch Sabbats are eight festivals that mark the changing of seasons and celebrate the cycles of nature. The Sabbats are Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon. Each Sabbat has its own unique traditions and customs, but they all involve connecting with the earth, honoring the cycles of life and death, and practicing magic. These celebrations are an important part of many modern witchcraft traditions and serve as opportunities for spiritual growth and community connection.

Witchy Accessories
Product category: 

Witchy accessories can include a wide variety of items such as crystals, tarot cards, runes, candles, athames, cauldrons, and pentacles. These tools can be used for divination, spellcasting, meditation, and ritual work. Other popular witchy accessories include herbs, essential oils, amulets, and talismans. Jewelry such as pentacle necklaces, moonstone rings, and charm bracelets are also popular among practitioners. Many witches choose to incorporate natural elements into their accessories such as feathers, shells, and gemstones to further connect with the earth and its energies.

Ritual Jewelry
Product category: 

Ritual jewelry is a type of accessory that is worn specifically for spiritual or ritual purposes. This can include items such as pentacle necklaces, goddess earrings, and crystal pendants. These pieces of jewelry are often used to connect with specific energies or deities during ritual work or spellcasting. Some practitioners may choose to wear certain types of jewelry during particular phases of the moon or during specific Sabbats. The materials used in ritual jewelry can vary widely and may include metals, gemstones, wood, and natural fibers. Many practitioners also choose to create their own ritual jewelry as a way of infusing their personal energy into the piece.

Witches Bible
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The Witches Bible is a book written by Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar in 1981. It is a two-part volume that explores the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft. The first part, titled "The Witches' Way," covers topics such as the history of witchcraft, the practice of magic, and the worship of the goddess and god. The second part, titled "The Witches' Book of Shadows," includes rituals, spells, and magical workings. The Witches' Bible has become a popular resource for those interested in modern witchcraft and is considered a seminal work in the field.

Boline Knife
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

A Boline knife is a traditional tool used in various magical and spiritual practices, particularly in Wicca and other forms of modern witchcraft. It is a white-handled knife with a curved blade, used for cutting herbs, inscribing candles, and other tasks related to magic and ritual. The Boline knife is usually double-edged and has a sharp point, but it is not intended for use in combat or self-defense. The Boline is seen as a sacred tool, and is often consecrated and charged with energy before use. It is also important for the user to keep the blade sharp and clean, and to use it with care and respect.

Celestite Madagascar
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

Celestite Madagascar is a blue-gray crystal found in the island of Madagascar. It is a type of mineral that is often used in spiritual and healing practices due to its soothing and calming energy. Celestite is believed to help with communication, both in terms of expressing oneself and in connecting with higher realms of consciousness. It is also thought to have a cleansing effect on the aura and to promote inner peace and harmony. In addition to its spiritual properties, Celestite is also valued for its aesthetic qualities, with its delicate blue color and crystal formations making it a popular choice for decorative purposes.

Crow Tarot
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

The Crow Tarot is a unique tarot deck featuring illustrations of crows and other corvids. Created by artist MJ Cullinane, the deck draws on the symbolism and mythology surrounding these intelligent and enigmatic birds. Each card in the deck features a different crow, with scenes and objects that are meant to evoke different meanings and interpretations. The Crow Tarot is seen as a powerful tool for divination and self-discovery, with its imagery encouraging users to tap into their intuition and connect with the natural world. The deck has gained a following among practitioners of both traditional and modern forms of witchcraft, and is valued for its distinctive artistry and symbolism.

The Cup Of Destiny
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

The Cup of Destiny is a divination tool that dates back to the 18th century. It consists of a cup and saucer, which are decorated with symbols and images that are believed to hold divinatory meaning. The cup is filled with tea leaves, and the user then swirls the cup three times before turning it upside down onto the saucer. The remaining patterns and shapes in the tea leaves are then interpreted according to a set of guidelines or symbols. The Cup of Destiny is seen as a fun and quirky form of divination, with its origins rooted in traditional folk practices. It is often used in modern witchcraft as a way of connecting with ancestral knowledge and traditions.

Goddess Of The Dark
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

The Goddess of the Dark is a figure that appears in many different spiritual and mythological traditions. She is associated with the night, the moon, and the mysteries of the unseen world. In some traditions, the Goddess of the Dark is seen as a counterpart to the more well-known Goddess of the Light, representing the shadow side of existence and the transformative power of darkness. She is often associated with the archetype of the crone, and is seen as a guide and teacher for those seeking to navigate the darker aspects of life. The Goddess of the Dark is a powerful symbol in modern witchcraft, and is often invoked in rituals and spellwork related to shadow work, personal transformation, and healing.

Dark Wood Tarot
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

The Dark Wood Tarot is a tarot deck created by Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson. The deck draws on the themes of dark fairy tales and folklore, with each card featuring haunting illustrations of figures and landscapes from the world of magic and myth. The Dark Wood Tarot is valued for its evocative imagery and rich symbolism, which can be used for divination, meditation, and spellwork. It is also seen as a powerful tool for exploring the shadow aspects of the self and for gaining insight into the mysteries of the unconscious mind. The Dark Wood Tarot is popular among practitioners of modern witchcraft, and is seen as a reflection of the darker and more mysterious aspects of the spiritual path.

Everyday Tarot
Product category: 
Shopping & retail

Everyday Tarot is a tarot deck created by Brigit Esselmont, founder of Biddy Tarot. The deck is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, with straightforward interpretations and easy-to-use spreads. It features modern illustrations and a clean, minimalist aesthetic, making it a popular choice for those new to tarot or who prefer a more practical and straightforward approach to the cards. The Everyday Tarot is valued for its versatility and ease of use, and can be used for daily guidance, meditation, and reflection. It is also popular among those who are interested in incorporating tarot into their self-care and personal growth practices.


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