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Project Manager (Senior)

Panter AG, Zurich
Employment type: 
Full time
Project management, Team Player, SCRUM, Leadership

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Project Manager (Senior)


For over a decade, we have been helping companies address the challenges that digitization poses to them. Our lean organization and agile way of working, as well as our commitment to being technologically up to date enable us to develop high quality and sustainable solutions for our customers.

In decision-making, we are participatory, democratic and transparent. We are committed to advanced working time models to bring job, family and leisure time in line. This also includes the flexible choice of workplace.


As an experienced project manager in the web environment, you know how to convince our customers of your ideas. You think in a structured way and you manage to keep track of your teams and projects, even in hectic situations. With a clear view, you separate the essential from the trivial. Required tact, adequate communication and the tactical skills you have acquired with many years of experience in dealing with agile software development projects.

You know Scrum in theory and practice. As part of customer projects, you have successfully applied the roles of Product Owner and Scrum Master. You also know agile requirements engineering, can outline a mockup and have the necessary technical background to understand a system architecture. This security gives you the necessary support when it comes to communicating our ideas and working methods to our customers.

You will benefit from programming experience and knowledge of methods and tools such as Customer Journey, Service Blueprinting, Story Map and Design Thinking.

You can communicate in German and English without any trouble.

The job

As a Senior Project Manager, you are responsible for ensuring that your team does not lose sight of its goals. You actively support it, so that challenges can be overcome together, settling conflicts and thrilling our customers.

You also moderate turbulent discussions with a lot of composure and focus and understand how to make decisions transparent and understandable.

In intensive exchange with customers, you will quickly find a clear understanding of the desired product. Together with your team, you will develop strategies and approaches to find a solution that inspires you within the given framework. You do not shy away from questioning things over and over again.

You have internalized the incremental way of working and know how to develop solutions in multiple sessions with your team. You will not be discouraged by defeat. You manage to integrate resistance in a common direction while staying true to the principles of agile collaboration. You know the Swiss market for software development and the agency landscape. In tenders and offers, you can explain clearly to our customers what benefits they derive from working with us.

your profile

You have a degree in engineering, computer science, business administration, or equivalent education and several years of experience in running software development processes according to Scrum.

You have already been able to deepen these experiences in larger teams and also look after several teams and projects at the same time.

You know the risks and costs of software development and you can handle big budgets and represent them to the team. You also know how to explain to customers the costs of a project in an understandable way, where discounts are negotiable and are able to independently write offers and convincingly present them to the customer.

You have an understanding of business processes and their representation in software solutions and are familiar with the challenges and pitfalls of digital transformation processes.

We together

We offer you a job in a not quite everyday environment. Your workplace at the Colab of Impact Hub Zurich is one of the city's most attractive. A wage model that honors the overall performance of all employees, six weeks of vacation and time to advance your own ideas and projects, complete our offer.
