Bethesda Mission

Materials Hack
Playground for innovative materials powered by Borealis.
8th-10th July – Vienna, Austria
days Hackathon
weeks Incubation
winning teams
cash prizes
Bethesda Mission
#14, Munshy Lay Out,Hennur Main Road, St Thomas Town,
Bangalore, Karnataka
Bangalore Karnataka 560084
General information: 

Bethesda Mission is afaith based organization serving people from all walks of life in our community. We target 2 mail areas, health and education. We want to give alternative skill based education to GIRL children, sexually absued Girl children,children from lower socio-economic group.

We also cater to the needs of health issues of women and children. We under take the following projects:

1  Health for women through awareness camps, community workers information, free medical clinics, Immunization analysis etc.

2  We also wan to open HOPE CWENTERS for children in urban slums and untouchable areas of rural villages with Dalit groups.

3  We are open to start a Referral center at Bangalore for early diagnosis of Cervical cancer/HIV/TB/Malria.

4  Teaching skill based education for unemplyed youth through Harvest community college.

5 Adult literacy and visual education to empower women in under priviledged group

Company information: 
Company type: 
Founded when: 
Tuesday, 10 June, 2014
Startup stage: 
Idea stage (got an idea)
Funding needs: 
Angel / Incubator / Public funding
Types of jobs in the company: 
Education / Training
Total numbers of employees: 
Can I attach a resume to my application?
Any one who cares for humanity and future generation can contribute to this company and visit us any time to witness and help us with yoru expertise. Yes you can attach resume to the application


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Address information

#14, Munshy Lay Out,Hennur Main Road, St Thomas Town,
Bangalore, Karnataka
Bangalore Karnataka 560084
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